‘Prices are increasing each day’

  • 12:06 9 December 2021
  • News
VAN - Citizens reacting to the one after the other raises and the price rise in food products became unable to meet their needs. Citizens say that the solution to the crisis can be with a change in governance.
In Turkey, where the economic crisis is deepening day by day, price hikes continue to come one after the other with the loss in value in the TR. The purchasing power of citizens is gradually decreasing in the face of price rises from food to cleaning, from clothing to fuel.
Citizens who go to the district bazaar, which is set up in a different neighborhood every day in Van, with the idea that the price is ‘’more affordable’’, cannot buy a variety of vegatable with 50 TR or 100 TR in their wallets. Citizens are faced with increased price markings in the bazaar.
Bunch of spinach 5 TRY
Citizens who come to the district bazaar set up in Ali Paşa Neighborhood of İpekyolu district pass by looking to the sales booths throughout the bazaar. Spinach starts from five Turkish liras, radish is sold from six Turkish liras, and curly lettuce is sold from eight Turkish liras in the sales booths where the most intensity is experienced. While green pepper was at the top of the price list with 10 TRY, the most consumed mandarin in winter months could not find a buyer even for four TRY. Potato, which is a must for every kitchen, start from five Turkish liras per kilo.
‘Prices are increasing each day’
Nazlı Hekimi, who came to Van from Iran for shopping, says that prices are more expensive in Turkey and they can no longer shop even in the markets. Stating that the prices are increasing each day and that they have difficulty in shopping because there are no job opportunities, Nazlı said, ‘’Everything is more expensive here compared to Iran. I came here for shopping but I didn’t buy anything I wanted because the prices were not affordable. People are in a difficult situation. Some houses have no one working. Prices are increasing each day. Wa cannot buy anything’’.
‘The most food products have been increased’
Expressing that the prices are constantly increasing, Ayten Sevmez also notes that this increase is mostly happened in food products. Ayten said, ‘’I came to the market with 100 TRY, I bought vegetables and fruits, and I was able to buy half a kilo. There was no money left, even though I took a little by little of everything. I am thinking of making stuffed vegetables tonight. The kilo of minced meat was 70 TRY. Food products are very expensive’’.
‘Recover of economy is not possible’
Expressing that she could not do enough shopping due to the increasing prices, Sevgi Kaya also showed her reaction with the following words, ‘’If I buy one material, I cannot buy the other. I am thinking what to do now. The cheapest is noodles, I have to make it tonight. I am already thinking about what I am going to do tomorrow. If I bought eggplant, it would be nine Turkish liras per kilo, and minced meat would be 70 TRY. I used to take a kilo, now I buy half a kilo. Or I am embarrassed to buy 250 grams. The dollar is increasing, it is not possible for the economy to recover at that rate. Lira has come to such a state that it is like paper, it has no value’’.
‘Crisis recover if the governance changes’
Zehra Belek, on the other hand, says the following about the increase in prices, ‘’The prices are increasing day by day. I am thinking of buying vegetables or something today, but the prices are high. The price hikes, rising prices, economic crisis just recover if the governance changes’’.