Call from HDP for unity against ISIS

  • 15:56 7 December 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Making a statement on the new genocide attempts of ISIS, HDP Foreign Relations Commission Co-Spokespersons said, ‘’We call on the International Coalition to take an active role against the increasing ISIS attacks in the region’’.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Foreign Relations Commission Co-Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy issued a written statement against ISIS’s new genocide attempts.
‘We call on the International Coalition to take an active role’
Pointing out that the civilians living in the region are under great threat in the face of ISIS attacks in Iraq, especially in the Maxmur, Kirkuk and Shengal, which are the regions of Federated Kurdistan and which are open to status debates, the statement said, ‘’We expect both the Iraqi government forces and the Peshmerga forces to take adequate coordinated measures to protect civilians against ISIS attacks. Preventing the genocide attempts, similar to the genocide committed by ISIS against the Yazidi Kurds in Shengal, is an extremely critical and prior issue. In this context, we call on the International Coalition to take an active role against the increasing ISIS attacks in this region.
The statement said, ‘’As HDP, we strongly emphasize that civilians should not be left to the mercy of ISIS, Al-Qaeda and similar fundamentalist organizations in Iraq and Syria, and we respectfully commemorate those who lost their lives while struggling against these organizations’’.