95 people abducted in 2 months in Afrin

  • 15:00 1 December 2021
  • News
ŞEHBA - Roşîn Hido, a member of Afrin Human Rights Organization, who gave information about the crimes committed by Turkey and its affiliated groups in Afrin, said that six people, including one woman, were killed in two months.
Afrin, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary groups, is frequently comes to the agenda with the war crimes. Roşîn Hido, a member of Afrin Human Rights Organization, drew attention to the crimes committed in the region in the last two months. Speaking to the Hawar News Agency (ANHA), Roşîn stated that six people, including one woman, were killed and 95 people, eight of whom were women, were abducted in Afrin in October and November.
Attack on history and culture
Roşîn, who noted that Turkey and its affiliated groups also attacked the historical and cultural values of the region, stated that historical places such as Nebi Huri and Qibar were plundered. Roşîn said that the plundering of nature continues and pointed out that 3000 olive trees have been cut down and released to the market as wood in the last two months in Afrin. Roşîn said, ‘’Nothing in the region has survived the brutality of the Turkish state. Olive oil and olive products, which are the livelihood of the people of the region, are smuggled into Turkey. From here, it is marketed to Europe as if it was a Turkish product’’.
Roşîn Hido called on human rights organizations to say ‘’stop’’ to Turkey.