Lawyer Leyla Kaya: Policy of impunity paves the way for violence

  • 11:33 26 November 2021
  • News
Medya Üren 
DİYARBAKIR - Leyla Kaya, a lawyer and member of the Rosa Women’s Association, drew attention to the practices that women were subjected to in courthouses and said that these practices cause to be paved the way for violence. 
As part of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the women raised their voices in every area they were in and gave the message that they will continue their resistance against the masculine mentality, harassment, prostitution and femicides. Pointing out that one aspect of violence is experienced in courthouses, the women say that they will continue to fight against the policy of impunity.
Leyla Kaya, a lawyer and member of the Rosa Women’s Association, evaluated the policy of impunity for perpetrators in lawsuits of violence against women in courthouses.
‘Protection measures are not taken’
Emphasizing that the courts often try to cover up the lawsuits, Leyla said, ‘’Women are constantly exposed to violence at home and at workplace by their spouses and strangers. Women apply to police stations in the face of the incidents they are exposed to. However, they are sent back by law enforcement officers working in police stations without taking any protection or precaution measures for women. At the same time, with most cases being covered up, the courts are trying to cover up the incidents’’.
‘It’s tiring to be listened again’
Stating that a masculine language is used towards women in the courthouses, Leyla said, ‘’We can see that verbal violence against women is included in the words used for women whose statements are taken at the prosecutor’s office. In the same way, the constant desire to listen the incidents that women are exposed to in court again causes the women to tire’’.
Obstacle to those who want to follow the hearings
Expressing that the policy of impunity for perpetrators has cause to an increase in violence against women, Leyla stated that most of the hearings regarding crimes against women are held as ‘’closed to the press’’. Noting that women’s institutions and non-governmental organizations which want to follow the hearings are also not allowed, Leyla pointed out that the courts’ decisions show that they protect the perpetrators.
Message of ‘continue for struggle’
Emphasizing the need to organize and fight against violence, oppression and injustice against women, Leyla finally spoke as follows, “We need to follow the incidents so that the files opened regarding violence against women do not go unpunished. We will continue to fight for this until the international laws on combating violence against women is implemented’’.