No news about two reporters of Rojnews

  • 13:23 25 November 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - There is no news about Rojnews reporters Berhem Latif and Birwa Eshed, who followed the protests in Sulaymaniyah in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
It was stated that there has been no news since yesterday evening from Rojnews reporters Berhem Latif and Birwa Eshed, who followed the protests started by students in the cities of Sulaymaniyah and Hewlêr in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
According to the news of Rojnews based on eyewitnesses, the reporters were detained by the security forces. However, no authorities have confirmed the reporters’ detention.
The agency also stated that they notified the METRO Center and the Sulaymaniyah Journalists’ Union Branch in order to inform international organizations as soon as possible.