Women meet at November 25 panel in Offenbach

  • 15:16 17 November 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Sara Women’s Council and TJK-E organized a panel in Offenbach as part of the November 25 events.
In Germany, Sara Women’s Council and Kurdish Women’s Movement-Europe (TJK-E) held a panel in Offenbach as part of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Speaking at the panel, TJK-E activist Döne Güzel drew attention to the increasing violence against women and said that the patriarchal system has been dominating on women for 5000 years.
Demand for the UN to recognize the gendercide
Stating that violence against women is built with social perceptions and roles are assigned to everything from colors to professions, from sports to cultural activities, Döne emphasized that how women should see, perceive and think in the male-dominated system is determined by its ‘’femininity’’ roles. Döne continued her words as follows, ‘’For all these reasons, violence against women is on the rise. In particular, the policies implemented by the states cause an increase in harassment, rape and violence against women. In the March 2021 report of the World Health Organization, 736,000,000 women worldwide have been subjected to sexual violence by men. Again, in the UN’s 2019 report, 137 women are killed by their family members every day around the world. Of course, these figures are only reflected figures to the public. This table is the concrete expression of gendercide. Therefore, as the Kurdish Women’s Movement-Europe, we insistently reiterate our demand for the UN to recognize the gendercide’’.
‘We can overcome by growing the collective struggle’
Döne said that as women’s struggle develops, systematic attacks against women also increase and pointed out that physical, economic, sexual and psychological violence increasing worldwide. ‘’Women need to organize strong and create self-defense against all these attacks. We can overcome the male-dominated system by raising our voices in the streets and growing the collective struggle’’.
The panel ended with the participated women expressing their thoughts and views.