DISK Genel-Is Union: We will be in the fields on November 25

  • 14:22 16 November 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - DISK Genel-Is Union Diyarbakır Branch made a statement regarding November 25 at Demir Hotel, and said, ‘’We will be in the fields against femicides, violence, abuse, inequality, discrimination, and poverty that the crisis has deepened’’.
The Public Services Employees Union of Turkey (Genel-Is) Diyarbakır Branch made a press release at Demir Hotel in Diyarbakır’s Sur district, on the occasion of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Narin Erol from DISK read the statement on behalf of women.
‘Women will be in the fields with demands against precarity’
Narin said that there is not a single day in Turkey where women are not subjected to violence, are not killed, are not exposed to violence at home, at work or on the street, and children are not exposed to abuse. She mentioned that they face unfair judicial decisions every day in all these crimes against women and children. Narin continued as, ‘’The burden of the crisis in the country’s economy is mostly on the shoulders of women. Femicides are increasing, violence is getting brutal, not a single concrete step is taken by the state to prevent this violence. In the face of all this, women will be in the fields in many provinces of Turkey with their demands against femicides, violence, abuse, inequality, discrimination, poverty and precarity that the crisis has gradually deepened, on the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women’’.
‘We invite women to the fields’
Expressing that women will come together with hundreds of events and meetings throughout November, Narin noted that they will take to the streets on November 25 and raise their voices against war, violence, crisis, exploitation and inequality. Pointing out that the worker women will lead the activities and actions, Narin made the following statements, ‘’While we are planning the events we will do, we state that we will actively support the actions and events of women activists from different circles. We expect the active participation of all our worker women friends in this struggle, shoulder to shoulder with us, and invite them to the fields. Long live women’s solidarity. Long live the worker, laborer women’s struggle. Jin Jiyan Azadi’’.