Visit to Emine Şenyaşar: ‘We are here for justice’

  • 15:51 15 November 2021
  • News
URFA - Van TUHAY-DER Branch visited Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who have been on the ‘’Justice Vigil’’ for 252 days. Speaking at the visit, TUHAY-DER executives and members said, ‘’We are here for justice’’.
The ‘’Justice Vigil’’ in front of the Urfa Courthouse of Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her spouse and two sons as a result of the attack of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s guard and relatives, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack with injuries, continues on its 252nd day. While the support visits to the family who continue their vigil in the ‘’Şenyaşar family justice corner’’ continue, today the Van Branch of the Association for Assistance with Families of Prisoners and Convicts (TUHAY-DER) made a mass visit to Emine and Ferit. Emine and Ferit welcomed relatives of prisoners with placards that read ‘’We only want justice’’.
‘No more children die’
Emine Şenyaşar told the delegation about the massacre that took place on June 14, 2018, and the struggle for justice they have been continuing for three years and five months and said, ‘’I have not seen my son, who has been in prison for a long time. Is this justice? Is this Erdoğan’s justice? God gave you a child too, don’t you have any conscience? Can’t you see what I have been through? Arrest me too, put me next to my son’’.
‘Mothers should not suffer anymore’
Emine Kaya, a Peace Mother and prisoner relative, expressed their solidarity with Emine Şenyaşar and underlined that they want justice. Emine said, ‘’We visited the mother for peace. For 252 days, Mother Emine has been waiting for justice here. Our children are also in prison. We want justice for them. Mothers should not suffer anymore. We came to support the mother. No more children die’’.
‘We want justice’
TUHAY-DER Van Branch Co-chair Kudret Temel demanded justice and said, ‘’Thousands of prisoners are being held in prisons. We want justice as mother wants. The demands of the mother are our demands’’.
Aslıhan Timur, a Peace Mother and prisoner relative, said, ‘’We are here for justice. A son of the mother has been kept in a single cell for three years and five months. Our children are also in prisons. Let all prisoners released. Give ear to mother’s voice’’.