Crimes committed in Afrin against women on agenda of parliament

  • 17:00 9 November 2021
  • News
ANKARA - HDP MP Feleknas Uca brought the crimes committed by the TAF and the armed groups it supports against women in Afrin to the parliament’s agenda. In parliamentary question, Feleknas pointed out that 84 women have been killed in Afrin since 2018.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman MP Feleknas Uca submitted a parliamentary question to the Speaker’s Office, requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to answer regarding the crimes committed by armed groups supported by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) against women in Afrin.
‘71 women were subjected to sexual assault’
Afrin Canton came under the control of armed groups on March 18, after the attacks launched by the TAF and paramilitary armed groups on January 20, 2018. Pointing out the violations of rights in Afrin Canton, the parliamentary question stated, According to United Nations (UN) reports, over 1000 women have been abducted so far in the city, where has been turned into a center for plunder, extortion, rape and ethnic cleansing. The fate of most of the abducted women is unknown. According to the statement made by Afrin Non-Governmental Organizations, 84 women were killed in the city between the March 18, 2018 and October 25, 2021. While six of the women ended their lives, sexual assault crimes were committed against 71 women. The Afrin Human Rights Association has stated that since the beginning of the attacks of the TAF and the groups it supports against Afrin, war crimes and crimes against women have continued unremittedly’’.
The following questions were asked with the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to answer: 
‘’* How many women have been abducted and disappeared in Afrin since March 2018? What is the fate of women captivated by groups supported by Turkey?
* Do you have a policy to prevent the killing of women and subjected to inhuman treatments in Afrin?
* Do you have any works on finding and handing over the women and girls abducted by armed groups to their families?
* Is there an effective investigation on crimes against women and war crimes that have been going on for more than three years and reflected in international reports? Has legal action been taken against those responsible? If not, what is the reason? Will any action be taken?
* Do you have any works on the prosecution of those who committed crimes such as pillage, abducting and torture in Afrin?’’