October month violence tally: 23 women killed, 14 suspicious deaths

  • 12:11 5 November 2021
  • Women's forum
Dilan Babat 
ANKARA - According to our October month violence tally, 23 women were killed and 14 women lost their lifes suspiciously. While the perpetrators were the ‘’relatives’’ of the women, the cities where the most women were killed were Istanbul and Izmir.
Due to the AKP government’s policies towards women, the regime of impunity and the lack of implementation of the necessary mechanisms, there is an increase in the massacres of women day by day. With Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention in July, there has been a marked increase in violence and suspicious women deaths. On the other hand, the government, which has put the 5th Judicial Reform Package on its agenda, insists on implementing practices targeting women in related package. In the package, which envisages the establishment of ‘’conciliation commissions’’ in the regions, violence is again tried to be invisible through the mediation mechanism.
At least 23 women killed in October
According to the data we collect from the press every month as JINNEWS, 23 women were killed by their closest relatives in October, while 14 women died suspiciously. Five children were exposed to sexual abuse and harassment. While one child died suspiciously, three children were killed. Again, women were exposed to violence, harassment and rape on the street, at home and in the workplace. As a result of the violence most of the women were subjected to by their ‘’closest relatives’’, the courts continued to give ‘’good conduct times’’ to the perpetrators.
Women are killed by men they don’t want to be with
According to the data we compiled; This month, nine women were killed by their husbands, two women by their sons. One woman was also killed by man because she doesn’t want to be with him.
Cities where the most femicides occured: Istanbul and Konya
While women were killed in almost every city, district, village and town in Turkey, the provinces where the most femicides were occured were Istanbul and Konya. This month, six women in Istanbul and four women in Konya were killed.
Femicides with known perpetrators
Konya (four women), Giresun (one woman), Izmir (three women), Tekirdağ (three women), Istanbul (three women),  Kocaeli (one woman), Osmaniye (one woman), Kilis (one woman), Mersin (one woman), Denizli (one woman), Antalya (one woman), Ankara (one woman), Urfa (one woman), Kastamonu (one woman)
Suspicious woman deaths
Batman (one woman), Manisa (two women), Kocaeli (one woman), Istanbul (three women), Samsun (two women), Adıyaman (one woman), Kırıkkale (one woman), Düzce (two women), Antalya (one woman)
Attempt to killing
Izmır (two women), Kocaeli (one woman), Van (one woman)
Allegation of being driven to suicide
Iğdır (one woman), Şırnak (one woman)
Women who survived by self-defense
Adana (one woman)
Violence against women, harassment, rape
Istanbul (three women), Ordu (one woman), Mersin (one woman), Kandıra (one woman), Hakkari (one woman), Digital media (two women)
Child abuse and rape
Van (eight children), Diyarbakır (students in one primary school)
Massacre of children
Yalova (one child), Antep (one child), Ankara (one child)
Attempt to kill child
Erzurum (one child)
Suspicious child deaths
Siirt (one child)
Good conduct times and acquittal decisions
Hatay, Ağrı, Isparta, Bodrum, Izmir, Eskişehir