‘Autonomous Administration is the colour of the peoples’

  • 13:24 4 November 2021
  • News
Hêlîn Asmîn
ŞEHBA - Evaluating the Parliament of Catalonia’s official recognition of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, PYD member Cihan Hiseyn said that the Autonomous Administration is the colour of the peoples and this decision will pave the way for other states to recognize it.
The Parliament of Catalonia decided to recognize the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) on October 20, the anniversary of the liberation of the city of Raqqa from ISIS. Cihan Hiseyn, a member of the Aleppo Board of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), made evaluations to JINNEWS regarding the first official recognition decision that recognized the AANES.
‘Autonomous Administration will be the solution’
Cihan drew attention to the historical process and said, ‘’We are going through a historical process. At the same time, the daily threats of the occupant Turkish state against Northern and Eastern Syria continue. The Turkish state wants to break the will of the Kurdish people. Today, however, the Kurdish people are organized in every respect and have a system that is accepted in the world. In other words, we can say that the Kurds have friends in the world today. The situation of the Kurds is not like in the First and Second World Wars. The Kurds defended their existence. The most important result of this is the decision of the Catalonian Parliament to officially recognize the Autonomous Administration. Until today, the Kurdish people gave thousands of martyrs. The Autonomous Administration is resisting to be a solution to all the problems and turmoil in the Middle East and Syria. All peoples are included in the Autonomous Administration and can live with their own language, culture and identities. Sovereign states in the region do not want a solution. They are constantly causing confusion among the peoples’’.
‘Autonomous Administration is the colour of the peoples’
Referring to the resistance of the peoples, Cihan said that the most concrete example of this is Aleppo. Cihan continued, ‘’The peoples live together in the Şêx Meqsud Neighborhood of Aleppo. This is example of Autonomous Administration. Many peoples live together in Aleppo since the beginning of the Rojava Revolution’’.
‘It sets an example for other cities’
Cihan said that after the Parliament of Catalonia recognized the Autonomous Administration, many states would believe in the Autonomous Administration and the way to be recognized was opened. Cihan continued to her words as, ‘’This will be hope for many settlements in Syria in terms of self-governance. The Autonomous Administration model also sets an example for other cities. They carry out their own will and system with the belief in the egalitarian system of the Autonomous Administration’’.
‘The main role is at women in the Autonomous Administration’
Mentioning to the role of women in the Autonomous Administration, Cihan said, ‘’The main role is at women in the Autonomous Administration. Because women take part in all institutions and organizations of the Autonomous Administration. In particular, the co-chairship system was important for women and society. Women took part in all areas of life with the co-chairship system. If we say that women are the basis of society, then they should take part in society. With the Rojava Revolution, women took part in the military, political and economic fields. There are many women's movements in the world, but they cannot act as they want. However, women took part in every field in the Autonomous Administration. Because our system gives women power and faith. For this reason, women took their place in historical developments with their own efforts’’.