Gülistan Seid: Autonomous Administration should be recognized

  • 13:55 3 November 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Gülistan Seid, Head of the Gorran Movement Group in the Federal Kurdistan Parliament, said that the parliament should recognize the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
Gülistan Seid, Head of the Gorran Movement Group in the Federal Kurdistan Region Parliament, evaluated the parliament’s approach to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. Speaking to Rojnews, Gülistan stated that the Kurdistan Region Parliament should officially recognize the Autonomous Administration.
Stating that the Autonomous Administration has improved the economic infrastructure, improved the living conditions of the people and secured the rights of all people’s components, Gülistan said, ‘’Kurds should always be in cooperation and coordination for other parts. Especially Southern Kurdistan should support other parts of Kurdistan. As the Kurdistan Region Parliament decided to send peshmerga during the Kobanê war, it should also officially recognize the Autonomous Administration’’.
Call to parties
Gülistan called for the preparation of a project that will receive the support of all parties and be prepared by specific individuals, and the recognition of the Autonomous Administration.
Catalonia had recognized
The Catalonian Parliament officially recognized the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria on October 20 with the majority of votes. The Catalonian Parliament was the first parliament that officially recognized the Autonomous Administration.