November 1, 2014: World Kobanê Day declared

  • 12:00 1 November 2021
  • Women's forum
November 1 has been celebrated as ‘’World Kobanê Day’’ since 2014. On this day, which was declared by the call of intellectual, artist, writer, and Nobel laureate names, the peoples take to the fields to greet the resistance given against ISIS in Kobanê.
Some of the other important developments in history today are as follows:
1841: Mina Canuer, an educator who has an important place in the gain of women in Germany, a defender of radical wing movements, a pioneer in every work from women’s right to vote to journals, associations and educational institutions, was born.
1961: 50.000 women in the United States went on strike for peace. Women’s Strike for Peace (WSP), which was cited as the most important factor that enabled the entry into force of the agreement signed between the USA and the Soviet Union partially prohibiting the testing of nuclear weapons in 1963, called to American women quit all their work for a day against the successive nuclear weapons tests. The announcement of the strike for life and freedom was made from woman to woman, by phone or with school and church groups. When the day of the strike came, 50,000 women joined the strike, 800 of which were picketed at the White House.
2015: HDP passed the election threshold for the second time in the general election and brought 23 women MPs to the parliament.
2016: While 98 women MPs entered the parliament after the June 7 elections, this number decreased to 77 in the November 1 early elections, according to uncertain data.
2017: Linda Nochlin, a feminist art historian who brought a new approach to art in the light of gender equality, died at the age of 86.
2017: Ece Temelkuran was awarded the ‘’First Novel Award’’ at the 2017 Edinburgh International Book Festival with her first novel ‘’Women Who Blow On Knots’’ published in English.
2019: ‘Le Point’ journal defined Hevrîn Xelef, who was killed, who was Secretary-General of the Future Syria Party, as a ‘’Kurdish peace militant’’.