TJA: ‘We don’t accept the intimidation policy made in the person of Garibe Gezer’

  • 15:34 29 October 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - In its written statement about Garibe Gezer, TJA said, ‘’We did not accept this threat, this policy of intimidation to Kurdish women and prisoner women in the person of Garibe Gezer, and we will not do so in the future’’.
The Free Women’s Movement (TJA) has released a written statement regarding Garibe Gezer who is being held in Kandıra No.1 F Type High-Security Prison and exposed to sexual torture and assault.
In a written statement issued by TJA regarding Garibe Gezer, it was stated that the attacks against women emerged as a result of the male dominance's effort to constantly revise and rebuild itself. It was stated that the main reason behind the attacks was the fear of the power of change and transformation of the women’s struggle, and that they knew these attacks and oppressions.
The following statements were included in the written statement:
‘’Political women are criminalized by the judiciary and sentenced in a completely unlawful manner. The 30-year sentence given to our term spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan stands before us as the most concrete example of this. The policy of intimidation in prisons is continued through prison administrations. All kinds of violence committed against women outside continue in prisons. Psychological, economic, physical, and sexual violence come foremost among them. The resistance against every policy applied by the prisons to ‘make submissive’ the women has been continued since Sakine Cansız, who said ‘I was ashame to say ah’ in the face of the tortures she was subjected to in prison, and her comrades, after the 1980 coup.
She was subjected to various tortures
Garibe Gezer is a Kurdish woman who was detained and arrested in Dargeçit in 2016 and subjected to various tortures. While the news that has been reflected in the press in the past days causes a great shame for every individual who calls himself/herself human, this government does not refrain even one step from carrying out inhumane practices. Dear Garibe was punished with solitary confinement in Kayseri Bünyan Women’s Closed Prison on March 15, and was then transferred to Kandıra No.1 F Type Prison. After 22 days of solitary confinement, she requested to be transferred to three-person wards and objected to being taken back to single-person cell. She protested against being forced to be sent to a single-person cell, and was taken to the sponge room, which was built as a crime against humanity, on the grounds that she had committed an action.
The prosecution office doesn’t hesitate to impose punishments that last for decades
All kinds of violence, especially sexual violence, was committed to her by the guards, and she was given a disciplinary punishment for reporting the situation to her family and lawyers. The prosecution office, which has not taken any steps so far, while these consecutive punishments and violence are evident; When it comes to those who wage a women’s struggle, it takes action immediately and does not hesitate for a moment to impose punishments that last for decades.
We know you well
We know you well from Ebru Dinçer, who was wanted to be burned alive for opposing F type fascism, to tens of women who did not accept the isolation and set her body on fire… We broke the ‘walls’ of our houses and went out onto the streets. Those who think that they will intimidate us with the walls of prisons are in a great historical mistake. To see the truth of this, it is enough to look back to the past. We know and see that these attacks against women in prisons serve a systematic mind. We did not accept this threat, this policy of intimidation to Kurdish women and prisoner women in the person of Garibe Gezer, and we will not do so in the future. We will continue to carry out the women’s struggle at inside, outside and under all conditions, and we will continue to shout for women’s freedom with the same faith and determination’’.