From mothers to KDP: Give up from betrayal

  • 12:34 26 October 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Mothers from Kobanê called for the bodies of HPG members killed by the KDP to be given to families and demanded that giving up from betrayal.
Mothers from Kobanê supported the families who are on vigil at the Sêmalka Border Gate to take the bodies of People’s Defence Forces (HPG) members who were killed in the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) ambush in the Federated Kurdistan Region. Narîman Ehmed, one of the mothers who spoke to the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) and evaluated the KDP’s stance as betrayal, said, ‘’The KDP must fulfill the demands of the mothers in Sêmalka. The attacks against the guerrilla in the mountains of Kurdistan are immoral attacks. We want them removed. Serving the interests of the Turkish state, the KDP is doing great harm to the Kurdish people’s cause for freedom’’. Narîman demanded that the bodies be given to the families immediately.
‘KDP is being used’
Zahide Ehmed, one of the mothers who said that the Turkish state is hostile to the Kurdish people, also said, ‘’Turkey is using the KDP as a tool to realize its plans. The KDP attacked the guerrilla as a being tool for these plans. The bodies of the martyred guerrillas should be given to their families as soon as possible and should be given up from betrayal’’.
KDP ambush
As a result of an ambush by KDP forces in the Federated Kurdistan Region, five of seven HPG members were killed on August 29. One of the HPG members fell into the hands of the KDP, and the other reached his friends 16 days later. In a statement, HPG stated that their friends were killed in Xelifan as a result of an ambush by the KDP. The bodies of five HPG members have not been given to their families yet.