‘84 women have been killed in Afrin since 2018’

  • 09:11 25 October 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Afrin Non-Governmental Organizations, which made a statement regarding the crimes against women in Afrin, announced that 84 women were killed.
Afrin Non-Governmental Organizations announced the balance sheet of crimes committed by Turkey and affiliated groups to it against women in Afrin. A press release attended by tens of women was held in Şehba. Wefa Mihemed, a member of Afrin Human Rights Organization, read the text of the statement in Arabic, while the Kurdish version was read by the Director of the Non-Governmental Organization Gulê Cafer.
Drawing attention to the situation of women in the regions where the war continues, the statement said, ‘’What happened in Afrin has exceeded war crime. The Turkish state is trying to take revenge on the women who lead the struggle. Women destroy terror in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, that’s why they are being attacked by the Turkish state’’.
According to the prepared balance sheet, 84 women have been killed in Afrin since March 18, 2018. Six of these women could not stand what they went through and ended their lives. Over 1000 women were abducted by gangs on different dates. The fate of many is still unknown. Sexual abuse crimes against 71 women were committed.
In the continuation of the statement, all crimes committed were condemned and a call was made for the United Nations (UN) and its affiliates to take action against these crimes.