Lawyer Elif İpek who battered by polices at rally: Intolerance increases

  • 11:22 19 October 2021
  • News
Şehriban Aslan
DİYARBAKIR - Lawyer Elif İpek Tirenç Ulaş, who was battered by the polices at the rally attended by women in Istasyon Square, said, ‘’Despite all preventions, people’s participation in rallies or mass events increases intolerance. Anyone who reacts to this is either battered or prevented.’’
At the regional women’s rally held by Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Women’s Council in Diyarbakır Istasyon Square on October 16, the police confronted women with many obstacles. While three points were set up to enter the rally area, the women’s personal belongings and their headscarves were confiscated at the search points, and practices up to strip searches were carried out. While women were reacting to this, one of those who reacted and threatened to be detained was Lawyer Elif İpek Tirenç Ulaş. Elif talked about how the police battered her on the day of the rally and what she lived through.
‘I was attacked by many police officers’
Elif, who said that they came to the 2nd search point after passing through the 1st search point on the day of the rally, stated that the police wanted to search her bag and she did not allow this because she was a lawyer. Elif continued, ‘’I showed my attorney’s ID and said they cannot search as required by law. The polices said they wouldn’t let me in without a search. I also stated that I wanted to exercise my constitutional right to assemble, march and demonstrate, and insisted that I could go inside and not search on me. After that, I was exposed to more police attacks. The brawl lasted about 20 minutes. They tried to take me away from the area by holding my arm many times. The police said to me, ‘What are you doing here, go home’. They threatened detention and bringing armoured vehicle and putting me. They brought plastic handcuff and showed it. Despite this, I did not leave the area.’’
‘There is no question for me to batter the polices’
Pointing out that she did not move away from the rally area and that a detention warrant was issued upon the order of the prosecutor, Elif said, ‘’During the clash, lawyer friends from Diyarbakır Bar Association and Association of Lawyers for Freedom (OHD) came and no arrests were made after their deliberations. However, they stated that a legal action would be taken because the women police officers complained. This is how we attended the hospital. Because of the scars on my arm, I received a report for assault. I went to the police station to make a complaint, but I saw that three police officers were being taken their statements as complainants. I left the police station without giving a statement when I saw that the file included ‘resistance as not allow to duty being done’ and ‘threat’. I said that I would give a statement to the prosecutor’s office by leaving without giving a statement. The police filmed everything that happened with a camera and I did not touch any police at that time. There is no question for me to injure or batter never.’’
‘Rights are arbitrarily prevented’
Pointing out that what happened is not new and that these practices have been taking place since the state of emergency, Elif stated that strip searches and numerous search points were set up at rallies and all mass events. Pointing out that there are too many violations of rights, Elif noted that these violations and pressures have been in a rage on the day of the rally. Elif said, ‘’When what was done at the rally seemed like torment to people, they started to react. Strip search, looking at underwear, removing shoes repeatedly, three or four checkpoints are indicators of intimidation policy. They say to people, ‘If you come, we will treat you like this’. Rights are arbitrarily prevented. When you object, you are intervened by force, just like I experienced.’’
‘Women will not give up’
Emphasizing that there were arbitrary preventions in March 8 rallies and Newroz, Elif made the following statements, ‘’We remember Kemal Kurkut’s incident as the most recent date. He was murdered just because he did not take off his tshirt. Despite this, people go to rallies and mass events. As people go, this intolerance is increasing. I also took part in organizing committees and each time we encounter very arbitrary and different obstacles. When we objected to these, we were told that it was from the state of emergency period. However, there is no official state of emergency. But it still has its effect. Against all preventions, women are not giving up to come, they will not give up.’’