Kobanê Trial’s 5th hearing starts with temporary board

  • 14:22 18 October 2021
  • Law
ANKARA - In the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, which 5th hearing was held, the imprisoned politicians did not want to give a defense on the merits because the chief judge had a report.
The Kobanê Political Genocide Trial opened against 108 names, including the former Co-Chairs of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), members of the Central Executive Board and executives, on the grounds of the protests that took place on October 6-8, 2014, over the ISIS attacks on Kobanê. Trial’s 5th hearing started at the Sincan Prison Campus.
HDP Vice Co-chair Ümit Dede who is responsible from the Law and Human Rights Commission, HDP MPs, lawyers as well as HDP provincial and district executives and many people from Istanbul  attended to watch the hearing, which was held by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court board.
The politicians imprisoned in Sincan Prison and Kars Municipality Co-Mayor Ayhan Bilgen, who was replaced by trustee, were present at the hearing. The politicians in different prisons and the politicians who were on trial in different cities attended the hearing through the Audiovisual Information System (SEGBIS).
A member appointed due to the fact that the chief judge was on a report, moderated the hearing.
Files combined
In the hearing, which started with identification, the temporary chief judge gave information about the documents came for the file. The temporary chief judge read the files, which were combined with Kobanê Trial, of the Diyarbakır Municipality Co-Mayor Gültan Kışanak, who was replaced by trustee, and former Co-Chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Sebahat Tuncel.
Aynur Aşan was arrested
The temporary chief judge stated that activist Aynur Aşan, who was given a warrant in previous hearings, was arrested within the scope of the file. With Aynur’s arrest, the number of detainees rose to 21.
Aynur, who was connected to the hearing via SEGBIS from the prison where she was detained, spoke in Kurdish. Stating that the indictment was not served to her, Aynur requested additional time for the defense.
The defense has not been made
The imprisoned politicians were then asked to make defense on the merits of the case. HDP former Central Executive Board member Meryem Adıbelli spoke in Kurdish by taking the floor. Stating that she was ready to make a defense, Meryem said: ‘’Since the chief judge is not here, I will not make my defense this week.’’ Against the words of the temporary chief judge as ‘’It is not clear when the chief judge will come,’’ Meryem stated that she would not give a defense anyway.
After the temporary chief judge said that the chief judge will not be there for a week, lawyer Kenan Maçoğlu stated that they were not informed about this issue and that they will meet with their clients upon new information.
The hearing was recessed
The hearing was recessed after the lawyers wanted to meet with their clients. Lawyers will meet with their clients during a recess and convey their decisions on whether to give a defense or not.
The hearing was recessed for one and half hours.