Justice vigil continues for 220 days: We will bring justice with solidarity

  • 16:22 14 October 2021
  • News
URFA - While Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar’s vigil for justice started on March 9, continues on its 220th day, the family stated that they will bring justice by resisting and with solidarity in the message they shared on the digital media.
The justice vigil started on March 9 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguard and relatives, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack with injuries, has entered its 220th day. Emine and Ferit, who came to the area called ‘’Şenyaşar Family Justice Corner’’, brought the new banner they had it made to the vigil area for instead of the banner that was seized on the 200th day of the protest and were not delivered because it was examined by the prosecutor for 20 days.
‘We will bring justice’
Noting that their vigil has been going on for 220 days, Ferit said: ‘’They are doing their utmost to keep us away from this courthouse. We will not leave here until justice is provided. My brother has been held in a cell for three years. If my brother had been tried impartially, he would be with us now. There is a confidentiality order on the file, my brother is being held innocently. We will not give up on these two demands. We will not leave the courthouse until our demands are met.’’
The family shared the image of the new banner on their digital media accounts with the following message: ‘’Our struggle for justice continues on the 220th day in Şanlıurfa Courthouse. In spite of those who say that there is no justice in Turkey; We will bring justice by resisting and with solidarity.’’