Action started by 300 workers in Urfa on its 3rd day

  • 14:39 6 October 2021
  • News
URFA - The 300 workers who were dismissed from Uğur Textile Factory and continued their vigil on the 3rd day despite the obstacles, said: ‘’We are not going anywhere. We are workers, we are right, we will win.’’
After the Textile Workers’ Union affiliated to the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions (DISK) received the union authorization on September 9 at the Uğur Textile Factory in the 2nd Organized Industrial Zone of Urfa, factory management fired 300 people on the grounds of Code-18 (finishing the job). The sit-in protest initiated by the dismissed workers in front of the factory continues on its 3rd day. In the morning, with the start of the shift, the workers who came to the front of the factory were blocked by the gendarmerie. The Gendarmerie official stated that it is forbidden to wait in front of the factory and that they will not be allowed to keep watch.
DISK Textile Workers’ Union Antep Regional Representative, Mehmet Türkmen, who reacted to the gendarmerie’s attitude, reminded the relevant articles of the constitution, and said: ‘’Those who support the boss, who fired workers, violated the laws, closed the factory trickingly to get rid of the union, are building a barricade in front of the worker seeking rights. We are here and we are not going anywhere. We are workers, we are right, we will win by resisting.’’
Workers continue to wait close to the factory.