People of Shengal take action against KDP

  • 12:18 4 October 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Against the KDP’s attempt to enter Shengal, once again using the election campaign as an excuse, the people of Shengal gathered in people’s assemblies and public order points.
The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) wants to carry out the agreement signed between Baghdad and Hewlêr on October 9, 2020, using the work done for the upcoming general elections with the support of the Iraqi government as an excuse. Despite all the reactions of the people of Shengal, the KDP wants to enter Shengal with its armed forces and establish a base there.
According to the statement made by the Shengal Autonomous Administration, the KDP wants to enter Shengal once again by positioning a large military force close to Shengal. Upon the call of the Autonomous Administration and the Yazidi Free Women’s Movement (TAJÊ), people from Shengal gathered in people’s assemblies and public order points against the KDP’s initiative.
The people of Shengal, who gathered at the people’s assemblies and public order points, have become human shields.