Youth from HDP enlarge struggle against special war policies

  • 12:31 30 September 2021
  • News
BATMAN - HDP Batman Youth Council Member Tuba Çelik stated that they aim to reach young people from all segments with the campaign they started with the slogan ‘’Let’s break addiction, let’s build a new life’’ against increasing drug use, prostitution and agencification policies, and stated that they will raise awareness against special war policies.
The campaign works of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Council against drug use, prostitution and agencification policies with the slogan ‘’Let’s break addiction, let’s build a new life’’ continue. The actions and activities to be held within the scope of the campaign, which started on September 10, aim to raise awareness of youth against drugs, prostitution and agencification policies.
HDP Batman Youth Council member Tuba Çelik made an assessment about the ongoing campaign.
‘Special war in the region has reached its peak’
Reminding that after the National Security Council (MGK) meeting held in 2014, a ‘’collapse plan’’ was carried out by the state in the region, Tuba stated that the special war in the region reached its peak. Tuba said: ‘’A systematic policy is being implemented on the Kurdish youth in the region. It is not normal to target the patriotic segment in particular. In this campaign, we want to expose such situations. We set out on this road to inform and raise awareness against this policy that exists everywhere.’’
‘We want to put an end to moral breakdown’
Stating that they started the campaign in Batman with the work they did in Timoq (Gümüşörgü) village of Kozluk district, Tuba said: ‘’We carry out our work by visiting all districts and villages to reach more young people. However, we have seen what an organized spirit the Batman Youth Organization has. We will continue to prove this in every work we do. In these works, we will reach addicted youth, follow their treatment processes, and think about what we can do after the treatment. With these works we will continue, we want to unite them within the framework of moral and political society. And we want to put an end to these moral breakdowns in Kurdistan.’’
‘Families should contact us immediately’
Stating that they acted jointly with the families during the work, Tuba said that the families applied to them at the last stage and called on the families to contact as soon as they realized that their children started using drugs, and continued: ‘’It is not certain how effective our practices regarding the situation of young people can be in families who applied to us late in this regard. That is why we want families to apply from the very beginning, not come after the situation has reached its final stage.’’
‘The rulership is trying to ensnare the youth with its policies’
Tuba pointed out that the special war policies implemented were carried out against the society and underlined that with these policies, it was aimed to create unthinking, unquestioning, apolitical and assimilated individuals. Tuba continued her speech with the following words: ‘’Organized youth against all these war policies do not easily fall into what the rulership is aiming for. Because there is a community of comrades who can analyze and question the incidents. Therefore, the only stand that can be taken against special war will be organized struggle.’’
‘Main desire of the state is to break the dynamism of Kurdish youth’
Saying that the main desire of the state is to break the dynamism of Kurdish youth, Tuba stated: ‘’The state is waging a special war against Kurdish women and youth. Because it knows what women and youth can do for the struggle. That is why it wants to suppress it. This is the problem of not being able to find the opportunity to organize in some places under the conditions of fascism. For this reason, it would be wrong for the youth to wait on this issue. Every Kurdish youth should organize as an individual and resist them in order to frustrate this administration of the state. Likewise, we are here to defeat the intimidation plans used against Kurdish youth, and we are shouting that we will be here.’’
‘Wars can only be overcome with organized struggle’
Finally, noting that the war against Kurdish youth and women can only be overcome with an organized struggle, Tuba said: ‘’We invite all young women and youth to participate in our campaign, which we started with the slogan ‘Let’s break the addiction, let’s build a new life’ in order to raise the struggle we have waged.’’