Intellectuals evaluate declaration: ‘It is opposition’s turn to take a step’

  • 11:10 30 September 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Evaluating the HDP’s declaration as ‘’hopeful’’ and its timing ‘’accurate’’, intellectuals, academics and writers said that if the opposition parties also take positive steps, there will find a solution opportunity to Turkey’s fundamental problems.
On September 27, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) announced the declaration consisting of 11 principles, prepared within the scope of its work in the field. In the declaration titled ‘’Call to Democracy, Justice and Peace’’, a solution approach was put forward from the Kurdish question to the democratic parliamentary system, from the women’s issue to the regionally expanded separation of powers, from an independent judiciary to a peaceful foreign policy, from ecology to economic problems.
Intellectuals, academics and women writers evaluated the declaration, which was discussed with interest by politics, academia, civil society and the public, in a process where the discourses of addressee started in the solution of the Kurdish problem were also on the agenda.
‘Important messages are given’
Saying that she listened to the declaration with great enthusiasm, Academician Nesrin Nas noted that the HDP’s declaration gave very important messages. Nesrin continued: ‘’The HDP said, ‘I am the Turkey party, do not force me into a region and a certain identity, I have suggestions for solutions to Turkey’s problems’ and put this on the table. While there have been discussions of ‘let’s talk, let’s come to terms’ among the basic principles among the opposition parties, it was the HDP that put on the table clearly what these principles are and what it wants to become. It was extremely important in that respect.’’
‘Relieves the opposition’
Pointing out that the declaration was prepared very well and its fine-tuning was very well adjusted, Nesrin said: ‘’The current political atmosphere, especially the opposition, greatly relieved them and said to the opposition, especially the CHP and Good Party, that ‘I do not seek to take part in alliances’. It is an attitude that prevents the ruling parties from instrumentalizing the HDP and criminalizing the CHP and Good Party. Names do not matter in presidential elections, they gave the message that they could stand in a place that would carry these principles and the majority of this principle with the widest possible consensus and act together. The rhetoric that ‘the parliament is the focus of all solutions’ also put forward a pluralist, multilateral model that overflows the whole of society. For this reason, if Turkey’s opposition parties pass through this door opened by the HDP, if they hold the outstretched hand, there will be a very important opportunity for a solution to Turkey’s fundamental issues.’’
‘It manifested that it will help the solution’
Expressing that she found the declaration very positive, Writer Oya Baydar noted that she saw the declaration as ‘’hopeful’’. Oya continued: ‘’With the HDP stance document, it gave the message, ‘We are the party of Turkey, which sees in ourselves the solution to the problems of Turkey and the peoples of Turkey. The Kurdish political movement is not limited to this, but it was very important for the HDP to declare it openly. One of the underlined items in the declaration was ‘peaceful solution, not armed solution’, which was said a lot, but this time it was well underlined. HDP also said that it will not be a hindrance or a problem in the upcoming elections for the development of democracy in Turkey, on the contrary, it will help the solution. Each of the principles was a repeated theme from of old. But this time it was important to say it in this atmosphere. I find it very positive. I wish that this outstretched hand by the HDP will be held by other segments.’’
‘Accurate and on time’
Linguist and Writer Necmiye Alpay stated that the declaration made by the HDP was very accurate and on time, and noted that the HDP clearly manifested its principles. Necmiye said: ‘’There is a situation that is overlooked at first hand in the issue of addressee. Be it parties or different groups, they skip this; What we call the Kurdish problem is a multidimensional reality. It is forgotten in practical matters of addressee problems. It was linked to Imralı, HDP was launched as if it would not be effective in any way. All parties in the parliament are legitimate. There is a somewhat shy politics. Opposition parties protect each other. If you are talking about one dimension, all dimensions have to be addressed. If you are talking about politics, you should also talk about the gun dimension, the language dimension. In HDP’s stance document, the politicians who will take this document in front of them and examine it and take a stance accordingly. Whether the CHP or the Good Party, they remain in the general plan. They have not yet taken the first step of a negotiation process. In this case, the HDP has not yet opened up fields to sit down and openly talk about issues such as ‘I will solve the issue of mother tongue, armed conflict’. Within this opening, the Nation Alliance should speak more concretely and say concrete solutions. HDP did not say this because neither side said it.’’