Final declaration of International Water Workshop announced

  • 14:47 29 September 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The final declaration of the North and East Syria International Water Workshop held in Hesekê has been announced.
The Northern and Eastern Syria International Water Workshop, which was held in Serdem Cultural Center in Hesekê with the participation of 300 delegates and lasted for two days, ended with the announcement of the final declaration.
At the workshop attended by many non-governmental organizations, international humanitarian organizations, ecology associations and law platforms, Turkey’s policies to cut off the water of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers were discussed.
The final declaration of the workshop included the followings:
‘’1- The Turkish state’s use of water as a weapon against Syria and Iraq has been harshly condemned.
2- A report to be prepared on the Turkish state’s practices that disregard international law will be submitted to the UN, EU and other judicial and humanitarian institutions.
3- The world public opinion should exert pressure to prevent the Turkish state from using water as a means of war.
4- A lawsuit should be filed in the International Criminal Court for the crimes of the Turkish state to be tried.
5- The final declaration of the workshop should be shared with the relevant non-governmental organizations.
6- The world public opinion must fulfill its humanitarian duty against the crimes committed by the Turkish state. In particular, action must be taken at once to stop the crimes against people living in the camps.
7- All seminars and discussions held in the workshop must be recorded.
8- It was decided to make calls for the Autonomous Government to solve water problems through dialogue.
9- It was stated that projects aimed at creating water resources should be supported.
10- In order to reduce the effects of the water crisis in Northern and Eastern Syria, there should be material and non-material solidarity with humanitarian and legal organizations.
11- A call has been made to consider the reports to be prepared by the research centers by the Autonomous Government.
12- A serious consultation program should be established between the research centers and the Autonomous Government. 
13- A call was made to the Autonomous Government to establish centers that conduct water research.
14- The number of waste water treatment systems should be increased.
15- Alternative energy sources should be directed towards.
16- The water of the Tigris River should be delivered to the thirsty areas.
17- Projects should be developed to evaluate the streams more. Streams should be closely monitored by the relevant institutions of the Autonomous Government. Pool systems and cleaning works should be concentrated on.
18- Centers should be established to investigate the effects of water on the economy. Measures should be taken to protect water resources.
19- A committee should be formed to monitor the work to be done in line with the recommendations made at the workshop.
20- A call should be made to establish a committee which the Autonomous Government will conduct diplomacy in the field of water.’’