Kurdish artists: ‘Solution against to attacks is national unity’

  • 12:17 29 September 2021
  • News
Medya Üren
NEWS CENTER - Reacting to the increasing attacks on Shengal and Maxmur, Kurdish artists said: ‘’The Kurds can only nullify these attacks by realizing their national unity.’’
While the attacks against Shengal and Maxmur in the Federated Kurdistan Region are increasing, Kurdish artists continue to express their reactions to the attacks. Emphasizing that the Kurds should unite against the attacks, the artists spoke to our agency.
‘The status we have gained in Northern and Eastern Syria is very important’
Artist Hêja Netirk, who started her speech by drawing attention to the attacks against Shengal, said that Yazidis protect their own culture in the face of attacks. Emphasizing the need to stand by the Yazidis, Hêja said: ‘’At the moment, steps are being taken against national unity in the Federated Kurdistan Region. There is a proverb that says, ‘Father’s and grandfather’s enemy is not sons’ friend’. We must not forget this word. Turkey established its existence through hostility towards Armenians, Kurds and Greeks. We can only protect our gains against this understanding by getting stronger and making efforts to gain a place in the international arena. The status we have gained in Northern and Eastern Syria is very important. But we must not forget that it is still under great threat. In order to protect these gains, we need to take great efforts and steps. More steps need to be taken, especially in the economic field. We live on fertile soils, we have rich resources, we can use these resources wisely for the benefit of our people. We have fertile soils that can even meet the needs of other states, including the Turkish state. If we evaluate it correctly, we do not need anyone.’’
‘I condemn those who oppose the unity’
Noting that the protection of the lands in the Federated Kurdistan Region is the responsibility of all Kurds, Hêja said: ‘’The defense of Shengal, Yazidis and Laleş is of historical importance. We should not be victims of everyday politics. It is said that the statement ‘PKK’s presence in Southern Kurdistan prepares the ground for attacks’, it is a huge lie and ignorance. It is not knowing your own enemy. Turkey will always produce reasons to attack Kurdistan territory. Although the PKK had no concern with the referendum process, Turkey again opposed it. Turkey’s problem is not only with the PKK, but with all Kurdish forces, with all Kurdish institutions, with all Kurdish parties. Turkey wants to prevent national unity in this way. We must no longer come to these games and be deceived. As a Kurd, I do not accept the attack and embargo in Maxmur. Just like Shengal, Maxmur is the honor of the Kurdish people. The year is 2021, all documents and archives are obvious. The protection of refugees is guaranteed by international law. I would like to thank everyone who worked and struggled for Kurdish national unity. I condemn those who oppose it.’’
‘Artists should be the language of peace’
Finally, Hêja said: ‘’Personal interests and ideological stubbornness should not be an obstacle to national unity. We can be different. We may not think like each other, sometimes we may not get agree. But that is no reason for us to hate each other. As artists, we should set an example for the people and pave the way for peace and unity among peoples and be the language of peace.’’
‘Kurdish people should read this process well’
Emphasizing the importance of the Kurds growing their struggle together, artist Nuarin said: ‘’There are always attacks against the Kurdish people. The guerrillas have always responded to these attacks with great resistance. This resistance is a strength for us and a great response to them. We are passing through very important and historical days. We have had great successes and achievements. The Kurdish people should read and evaluate this process well. We call for national unity. The Turkish state wants to make its own dirty policies and games through the South Kurdistan government. Southern Kurds should not be partners in this game and corruption. Today, Maxmur and Shengal will be Hewlêr tomorrow.’’
‘Every Kurdish should take responsibility’
Stating that the freedom of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan means the freedom of the Kurdish people, Nuarin said: ‘’It will not be possible for us to be free unless Mr. Abdullah Öcalan is free. This should be the main agenda of the Kurds now. Although there is an attack on the Kurds, there is also a great resistance against it. In order for the guerrilla to be successful, we must be united. All Kurds must act jointly and shoulder the burden by taking responsibility, without leaving this burden solely on the guerrillas and the prisons.’’
‘Mr. Abdullah Öcalan is a will of the Kurdish people’
Artist Saniye Tunç drew attention to the isolation imposed upon Abdullah Öcalan and said: ‘’Mr. Abdullah Öcalan is a will of the Kurdish people. The attacks against the media defense fields, Shengal and Maxmur are completely connected with isolation. Before Abdullah Öcalan is free, we will neither be free nor will these attacks end. As artists, we call on the Kurdish people to be united and to fight together against isolation and attacks. As Kurds, we have nothing to lose. Our language, our color, our culture, everything is forbidden. Do we have anything else to lose? Death exists for every living thing, but death freely is important. Let’s not wait for our executioners. Let death and our executioners fear us today. Again, I call out to intellectuals and artists, let’s raise our voices against the isolation, let’s lift the isolation.’’
‘We will respond to the attacks as united’
The artist Binefş, who started her speech by saying, ‘’It is time for the unity of the Kurds,’’ and stated: ‘’The history of the Kurds is always bloody, unfortunately. Our enemies always attack brutally. Great massacres were committed in the south, north, west and east. Chemical gases were used against the Kurds. Our presence scares them. Due to the attacks on the Kurds, people had to migrate to Maxmur. Yazidis passed 74 edicts and left their homeland. All this happened in front of world’s eyes, but it was kept silent. So now is the time for unity. Political parties should take steps in line with the interests of the Kurdish people. We must respond to attacks unitedly. I call on the Southern government not to be a party to this sin and not to associate with Turkey.’’