Citizens react in Tuşba: ‘Authorities are unaware what we are going through’

  • 10:18 27 September 2021
  • News
VAN - Due to the flood in Düzyol, Seytrantepe and Beyüzüm Neighborhoods of Tuşba district, many houses became unusable and many animals lost their lives. While the residents of the neighborhood were reacting to the failure to take measures against the floods they encountered for the third time, HDP Tuşba Municipal Council Member Ayşe Minaz pointed out that the employees of the municipality, where a trustee was appointed, did not come to the neighborhood after the flood, and said: ‘’We want the same sensitivity shown for natural disasters in other cities to be made in Van.’’
Many houses became uninhabitable due to the flood in Düzyol, Seytrantepe and Beyüzüm Neighborhoods of Van’s Tuşba district. Neighborhood residents reacted to the situation and emphasized the unsolved infrastructure problems in the neighborhood.
District residents face flood for the third time
Behice Acar, one of the residents of the neighborhood, whose house was damaged in the flood after the downpour, states that her house was full of water and 10 chickens died in the flood. Stating that the water overflowed due to the narrow canal built by the appointed municipality, Feyruz Deniz emphasizes that this is the third time such a flood has occurred and that they are very afraid because this time it is midnight and it is very sharp.
‘We have nothing left’
Medine Durmaz, whose house was made uninhabitable due to the flood, and Meryem Dalhan, whose basement was flooded and all her supplies were under water, reacted to the situation and said: ‘’All the supplies were there. Six bags of flour, two bags of rice, three bags of sugar, garlic, lentil, everything was there, we had nothing left. I prepared for the winter, but everything was under the water. Our loss is huge.’’
Another citizen whose winter food was under water, Nazime Güneş emphasized the lack of infrastructure and road in the neighborhood and said: ‘’I have no food left, they are all under water. The books of my children who went to school were all under the water. The neighborhood has both road and infrastructure problems. As residents, we were helpless. Enough, I have had enough.’’
Neighborhood residents whose houses were under water Cahide Gülmez and Ayşe Dalga reacted to the situation.
‘Many houses are unusable due to flood’
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Tuşba District Council Member Ayşe Minaz, who visited the families damaged by the flood, said that many homes and workplaces were damaged due to the flood. Stating that the houses are unusable, Ayşe said: ‘’As the HDP delegation, we came to the flood-hit neighborhood, especially as the Tuşba Municipal Council Group. Many houses are unusable due to flood. Six families urgently need shelter. Along with shelter, food and healthy living supplies must be provided. When we came to the neighborhood, we learned that the municipality officials were unaware of the situation. Citizens said that they called VASKI between 03:00 and 05:00 hours, but the authorities did not come to the region. Our people intervened in the situation with their own efforts. Mothers were evacuating water with buckets and young people with their shovels.’’
‘The aid made to other provinces should also be made to Van’
Receiving information from the citizens, Ayşe stated that she would make a call at the city council meeting to meet the needs of families who needed shelter and suffered material damage due to the flood. Addressing the trustee, Ayşe demanded that the aid made to other provinces be used for Van as well. Ayşe continued her speech as follows: ‘’We want the same sensitivity shown for natural disasters to be made in Van, no matter where they are. Our people are already seriously poor. The floods experienced are the result of irregular and unplanned urbanization. The houses were built close to the stream bed. This could cause serious loss of lives.’’