Galatasaray Square blockaded again

  • 12:27 24 September 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - Galatasaray Square has been banned for Saturday Mothers since August 25, 2018, and the blockade was lifted on the night of September 21. The square was blockaded again last night.
On August 25, 2018, the police intervened with tear gas and rubber bullets against Saturday Mothers, who gathered in Galatasaray Square in Istanbul Taksim every week to ask about the fate of their relatives disappeared in custody and to demand the perpetrators be prosecuted. After the intervention, which coincided with the 700th week, the square was surrounded by police barriers and was blockaded. The blockade on the square, which had been forbidden to the Saturday Mothers for 160 weeks, was lifted on the night of September 21.
However, at night, the square was closed with barriers by the police once again. In the square where the armored minibuses were brought, the police began to watch.