Hearing of Musa Orhan, perpetrator of İpek Er, begins

  • 15:02 16 September 2021
  • Law
SİİRT - The 4th hearing of the trial of Musa Orhan, who raped İpek Er and drived her suicide, has started.
The 4th hearing of the case brought against specialist sergeant Musa Orhan, who raped İpek Er in Siirt, drived her to suicide and caused her death, on the charge of ‘’major sexual assault’’, has begun at the Siirt 1st High Criminal Court. İpek’s family and lawyers, Siirt Bar Association, Diyarbakır Bar Association, Association of Lawyers for Freedom (OHD), Human Rights Association (IHD), Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran, HDP Batman Municipality Co-mayor Songül Korkmaz who was replaced with trustee, are attended the hearing.
While there were intense police around and inside the courthouse, journalists were not allowed in the courthouse.
The hearing will continue with the defenses.