Statement from TJA and DBP on ‘Time for Women’s Freedom’ rally

  • 15:29 14 September 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - DBP and TJA carried out the opening speech before the rally ‘’It’s enough (êdî bes e) to racism and sexism, now is the Time for Women’s Freedom’’.
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) made a statement at the DBP Bağlar District Organization building regarding the regional rally they will hold in Diyarbakır on October 16 with the slogan ‘’It’s enough to racism and sexism, now is the Time for Women’s Freedom’’. Before the meeting, which will continue to be closed to the press, the opening speech was made by DBP Party Council member Zeynep Üren.
‘There is no other way other than freedom’
Saying that Kurdish women will hold a rally in order to enlarge the struggle against AKP and MHP fascism, and that they want all women to come together at this rally, Zeynep stated: ‘’They are imposing isolation on Kurds and in prisons. There is an attack on women, we saw this yesterday in Ayşe Gökkan’s case. The attack on Deniz Poyraz is an attack on freedom. Seven people in Konya were killed because they were Kurds. They attack the existence, identity and culture of the Kurds. Women are killed every day. The media paves the way by showing how women are killed. The woman fighting for freedom is arrested. This mentality also exists in Afghanistan. We will visit village by village, neighborhood by neighborhood, we will not just hold rally. We will talk about the attacks and the problems. We say enough is enough and we want to pave the way for women. We want women to embrace this rally. There is no other way other than freedom.’’
While the meeting continues to close to the press, it is expected that the information and works about the rally will be announced to the press after the meeting.