‘Women’s struggle should be embraced in the person of Ayşe Gökkan’

  • 10:33 13 September 2021
  • News
MERSİN - Calling for participation in the hearing of TJA Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan to be held today, women emphasized that women’s struggle should be embraced in court rooms as well.
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan has been detained 83 times while more than 200 investigations have been launched against her. Ayşe, whose detention is mostly due to her involvement in the women’s struggle, was last arrested on January 28 on charges of ‘’being a member to the terrorist organization’’ and ‘’being an executive in the terrorist organization’’.
Due to Ayşe’s 22nd hearing to be held today, Mimoza Women’s Association Chairperson Çiğdem Gürsoy and TJA activist Felek Erdem stated that the women’s struggle was targeted in the person of Ayşe and called for women’s struggle to be embraced.
‘Women are trying to be intimidated’
Emphasizing that Ayşe is a personality that gives perspective to Kurdish women, Çiğdem said that as women’s struggle spreads, women who are pioneers are targeted by governments. Çiğdem reminded that Ayşe Gökkan introduced Nusaybin to the world as a women’s city with unique projects during her time as the mayor. Çiğdem said: ‘’After the termination of the Istanbul Convention, women’s work came to the fore as a whole, so the system started targeting women. Currently, the proportion of women in prisons continues to increase day by day. The main reason for this is that the system is afraid from women and tries to intimidate them.’’
‘We grow in solidarity’
Pointing out that the government is trying to regress the women’s struggle in the person of Ayşe and to give direction according to itself, Çiğdem said: ‘’Even though Ayşe Gökkan is in prison, the path she paved for women is a path that is followed and cared. The answers Ayşe will give in court today are the answers of all of us women. They are the answers of the women’s movement against the system. We women grow in solidarity.’’
‘Women will definitely bring freedom’
Felek Erdem stated that women who do not bow down and do not kneel down against the male-dominated state are targeted, underlined that Ayşe’s life is a part of the resistance history of Kurdish women. Stating that Ayşe’s detention tens of times means that there is no justice, Felek said: ‘’It is an indication of the state’s anger towards women in the person of Ayşe Gökkan. The system does not only target women’s struggle. It targets everyone who does not accept oppression, denial, war and plunder. But women will definitely bring freedom with their stubborn and organized stance against these war methods. Fearless women fill the court rooms who are making defenses based on our women’s liberation line.’’
‘Let’s embrace the women’s struggle’
‘’Since its coming, the AKP government has followed policies that close women to house, obliged to violence and impose the lack of alternatives,’’ Felek said. She stated that the government saw Kurdish women marching for freedom in the person of Ayşe, so on the contary they targeted women. Felek said: ‘’For us, the courts are an exposal of the male judiciary. As Ayşe Gökkan said, we say ‘We are Kurds, we are women and we are here’. Our call is not only to Kurdish women, but to all struggling women; The women’s struggle is targeted in the person of Ayşe Gökkan. Let’s all embrace the women’s struggle together.’’