PKK - PJAK Dungeon Committees call for ending of hunger strike

  • 17:36 11 September 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - PKK-PJAK Dungeon Committees called to the prisoners to end the hunger strike that has been going on for 289 days.
PKK-PJAK Dungeon Committees made a statement regarding the hunger strikes that have been going on for 289 days to end the aggravated isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and to end the violations of rights in prisons. In the statement titled ‘’To woman and man comrades in dungeon’’, a call was made to end the strike.
‘It was aimed to destroy fascism’
In a statement, it was reminded that the move of ‘’End Isolation, Fascism, Occupations; Time to Ensure Freedom’’ has completed one year, it is now in its second year. It was stated that on the 40th anniversary of September 12 fascism, the KCK Executive Council started a move ‘’End Isolation, Fascism, Occupations; Time to Ensure Freedom’’. The statement said: ‘’With this move, it was aimed to break the isolation on Leader Apo, to destroy fascism, and to end the occupations. As a result of the indefinite and non-alternating hunger strikes and the death fasts that started in the dungeons in 2018 and ended in May 2019, Leader Apo was allowed to meet with his lawyers for the first time since 2011. The resistance of man and woman comrades in the dungeon and the martyrdom of eight friends shocked the isolation to a great extent, the democratic public opinion in Turkey embraced the insurgents, and even AKP-MHP spokespersons became unable to defend the isolation. Afterwards, although the meeting of lawyers and families was again prevented, the isolation became unsustainable and the freedom of Leader Apo came to the fore. Now there is a struggle to ensure the freedom of Leader Apo.’’
The followings were included in the statement:
‘’The Dem Dema Azadi (Time is time for freedom) move aimed to defeat the AKP-MHP fascism in the 40th anniversary of September 12 fascism and liberate the Kurdish people and Leader Apo. In the history of the Kurdish people’s freedom struggle, dungeons have always been at the forefront of the struggle. The spirit of July 14 and the line of struggle have made great contributions to the struggle for freedom as the struggle line of the dungeons for decades. The move launched on September 12, 2020 was started mainly as the struggle of our people in the four parts of Kurdistan. The guerrilla is already at the center of the freedom struggle moves within the uninterrupted struggle. The Dem Dema Azadi move was embraced by the Kurdish people and their friends in a short time, and the Kurds from all over the world, especially in Europe, in four parts of Kurdistan, took action to develop this struggle.
They joined the move with a hunger strike
Dem Dema Azadi was started mainly as a move to be developed by the society and the guerrilla. However, since the dungeons saw it as their responsibility to contribute and give strength to the struggle at every stage of our freedom struggle, they joined the move with alternating hunger strikes. As always, they gave strength to this move; have played a historical role to bring it to the agenda. Despite heavy pressure, they continued their alternating hunger strike. They have fulfilled their responsibilities in making the Dem Dema Azadi move effective, in giving a shock to the AKP-MHP fascist rulership, and in the participation of the people in the four parts of Kurdistan and abroad. Undoubtedly, the move will continue to achieve its goals, especially breaking the isolation on Leader Apo. In this sense, our Dem Dema Azadi move has entered a new phase. This move will continue in 2021, and will provide significant improvements in achieving its goals.
It is clear that the move will continue
Dungeons are places to fight with the enemy as 24 hours. All the comrades in the dungeon, woman and man, have been fighting against all kinds of difficulties and oppression with the spirit and style of the July 14 resistance for decades. It is an indisputable reality that our comrades in dungeon and all patriotic democrats will continue this struggle from now on. Together with their families, they duly fulfilled their responsibilities in the Dem Dema Azadi move. It is clear that in 2021, the Dem Dema Azadi move will be further developed and continued wherever the Kurdish people reside. As in every period of history, the guerrilla fulfills its responsibilities with great self-sacrifice.
Call to end the strike
Taking all these realities into account, we believe that the contribution of the comrades in the dungeon, who are in a constant struggle against genocider colonialism, to the Dem Dema Azadi campaign through alternating hunger strikes is sufficient. Because, as comrades in the dungeon, they played a great role in the development and strengthening of this move. We believe that the comrades in the dungeon will heed our call and end their hunger strike on the 1st anniversary of the Dem Dema Azadi move. Undoubtedly, as comrades who are in constant resistance, they can participate and strengthen the movement in different ways, without applying to actions such as alternating or non-alternating hunger strikes. Their constant resistance gives strength to freedom fighters, all our people, youth, women and all friends in their struggle. We congratulates and salutes all dungeon resistance fighters, woman and man, for their great contributions to the Dem Dema Azadi move; As always, we wish them great success in their future struggles.’’