Youth prepare to enlarge struggle against addiction

  • 13:14 9 September 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - HDP Youth Council member Ezgi Orak, evaluating the campaign ‘’Let’s break addiction and build a new life’’, which will start on September 10, stated that the system is trying to distract the youth from the struggle against social problems and said: ‘’As young women, we will be a pioneer in the fight against addiction and enlarge the struggle.’’
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Council will start the campaign ‘’Let’s break addiction and build a new life’’ on September 10. With this campaign, the Youth Council is planning to come together with young people to draw attention to the increasing use of drugs in recent years.
HDP Youth Council member Ezgi Orak gave information about the campaign and drew attention to the increasing addiction rate. Ezgi noted that as a part of the special war policy of the government, many young people, especially those living in the cities of the region, are dragged into drug addiction. Ezgi said: ‘’The strategy of making youth addicted has been used as a special war method for many years. In this way, while the pioneering mission of the youth is pacified, the ground for corruption and assimilation is created at the same time. Fascist governments aim to strengthen their own power with the policies they carry out on the youth. As the fascist practices of the ruling powers increase, the addiction increases in the same direction. The silence of the youth, who have become weak and drop out from social life due to addiction, increases the effect of fascism.’’
‘They are trying to distract the youth from the struggle’
Ezgi said that the increase in addiction day by day caused them to do such a work and that they could only break the addiction by increasing the organized struggle. Ezgi stated: ‘’Drug addiction has increased in all segments in recent years, especially among Kurdish youth. These policies, which assimilate the Kurdish youth and aim to transform them into a position drop out from life, are also trying to get a blow in to the pioneering mission of the youth. Fascist governments are actually trying to distance the youth from the struggle by using such arguments. That is why, as HDP Youth Council, we are starting a move with the motto ‘Let’s break addiction and build a new life’. With the support of NGOs and the public, we will hold discussions, public meetings and works where we come together in neighborhoods.’’
‘Young women are leading’
Ezgi underlined that they will discuss the special war policies that create physical and psychological damage with the youth, and said: ‘’We will be with the young people who are trapped in their treatment process and in the following days, and we will get over the process with solidarity. The process of getting rid of drug addiction is a difficult one, but we can get over these times with strong solidarity and social consciousness. As in all areas of life, young women are leading this struggle. The male-dominated power, which tries to perpetrate a massacre through femicide, applies policies of spying and corruption by targeting especially young women, drop put women from social life with the trap of drug addiction. In this way, they aim to detach women from their role in the build of life and to hinder women’s struggle. As young women, who are in a pioneering role in social life, we will be a pioneer in the fight against addiction and we will enlarge the struggle.’’