‘People of Maxmûr resist with philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan’

  • 11:08 8 September 2021
  • News
Dilan Babat 
ANKARA - Cihan Kaplan from the Ishtar Women’s Council Coordination stated that the people of Maxmûr have been resisting for 28 years based on the idea and philosophy of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, despite all the attacks of the TAF, and condemned the silence towards Turkey’s attacks.
Maxmûr Martyr Rüstem Cudi Camp, located in the Federated Kurdistan Region and under the protection of the United Nations (UN), has been bombed repeatedly by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in the last three years. While many people were injured as a result of the attacks, three women were killed in the attack last year. The camp has also been under an embargo by the Federal Kurdistan Government for three years. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in a television program he attended on June 1 this year, said: ‘’Makhmur is the incubation home of Qandil. This incubation home  is growing up in the city centre. If we do not go after this, this incubation home will continue to produce.’’ With this statement, he signaled that the attacks would increase by legitimizing both the attacks and the embargo. Immediately after the statement, the camp was bombed with an armed drone, and no one was killed or injured by chance, but the houses of the people were severely damaged.
Cihan Kaplan from the Maxmûr Ishtar Women’s Council Coordination spoke to our agency about Turkey’s attacks and the UN’s silence against it.
‘The attacks have not stopped since we migrated’
Cihan said that Turkey’s attacks against the Kurdish people continue to intensify, adding that Turkey’s attacks have increased even more against the Kurdish people’s resistance despite all attacks. Cihan stated: ‘’The Turkish state vomits all its hatred and anger by killing children. Since we emigrated, Turkey’s attacks on Maxmûr Camp have not stopped. In the last two years, they have started to attack with armed drones. The reason for these barbaric attacks against Rojava, Shengal and Maxmûr is that Turkey is getting weaker. It is attacking here to cover this weakness.’’
‘Maxmûr was founded with the anger of our children’
Reminding that the people have put up a great resistance since the formation of Maxmûr, Cihan said: ‘’We migrated from our lands, from our house by leaving our nature. Turkey has not left us since we migrated. Besides, we faced murder, torture, and abduction. Maxmûr was founded with the anger of our children against what Turkey has lived us. We settled here because we sought our freedom. We fell on these migration ways because we did not accept slavery. We want our freedom and eventually, we will be free.’’
‘We put our leader’s ideology before us’
Cihan stated that they put the idea and philosophy of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan as a road map in front of them and continued as follows: ‘’All the practices of the enemy are obvious. Torture in prisons is perpetrated on Kurds, although it is not happening anywhere else in the world. Torture against our mothers, children, youth and women is not done to anyone anywhere in the world today. They forcibly expelled us from our lands, forcibly made our people village guard and agent. Because we see all these, we resist and we will never accept these. We have rebuilt our culture by putting our leader’s ideology before us. Due to this culture, we have been resisting for 28 years.’’
‘Erdoğan will not destroy Maxmûr Camp’
Emphasizing that the world powers did not react but supported Turkey’s attacks against Maxmûr, Cihan reminded Taybet İnan, who was killed on the street during the self-governance period in Cizre and whose funeral was left on the street for days, and she continued: ‘’Not a single country that says they protect human rights did not claim to the funeral left in the middle of the street. With the anger of our youth, women, mothers, and elders, we increase our resistance even more. For 28 years, the Turkish state has not been able to dissolve the Maxmûr Camp. Not demolishing the Maxmûr was a problem for Erdoğan. He will not achieve this purpose. Because our children are growing up with the ideology of our leader. With this idea, we have come to this time and it will never be destroyed. Today, Shengal is resisting with the same idea. If our resistance had not to get results, Erdoğan would not have tried to kill a two-month-old child today.’’