Investigation for our reporter about Konya Massacre posts

  • 15:32 1 September 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Reasoning the news she shared about the murder of seven Kurdish citizens from the Dedeoğulları family in Konya, our reporter Öznur Değer, an investigation was launched against her with the allegation of ‘’inciting the public to hatred and enmity, humiliation’’.
An investigation was launched against our reporter, Öznur Değer, on the grounds of ‘’inciting the public to hatred and enmity, humiliation’’ by the Kızıltepe Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. Öznur, who gave a statement today as part of the investigation, was asked about digital media posts about the Dedeoğulları family of seven people, four of whom were women, who were murdered on July 30 in Hasanköy Neighborhood of Konya’s Meram district. The news shared by Öznur was also made the subject to accusation.
Sharing ‘I am also a Kurd’ was considered a crime
Some of the digital media posts against Öznur as accusation are as follows; ‘’I am also a Kurd’’, ‘’It is not hostility, it is a ‘racist attack’ not ‘kill’ it is a slaying’’, ‘’Kurds are being massacred in Konya’’, ‘’Kurds are held responsible for forest fires. The Kurds are targeted from all the negativities that have developed in the country, but not a single person comes out and says, ‘Kurds in the country are murdered by fascist Turks because they are Kurds’. Our anger and our pain are great’’, “Kurds and the reality of racist attacks; The state is with the perpetrators’’, ‘’Racist attack on Kurdish women and her children in Elmadağ’’, ‘’How far is this racism?’’
Our reporter, who gave a statement at the prosecutor’s office, stated that the posts she made on her digital media account were news belonging to the agency. Expressing that her posts are within the scope of freedom of expression, Öznur refused the accusations against her.