Women’s Platform for Equality to create women’s network for Afghanistan

  • 16:41 23 August 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Women’s Platform for Equality announced that they will start working on creating a women's network in the second online meeting which Ways of Solidarity with Afghan Women were discussed.
Women’s Platform for Equality (EŞİK) organized the second online meeting which Ways of Solidarity with Afghan Women were discussed. More than 200 women from more than 22 countries in five continents attended the meeting. Women participating from Afghanistan, USA, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Indonesia, Estonia, Eswatini, Philippines, France, South Africa, Croatia, India, Iran, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Lebanon, Mozambique, Pakistan, Turkey and Greece expressed their determination of solidarity and discussed their proposals for global action.
Threat from the Taliban
The women who took the floor at the meeting underlined that, as in the first meeting, the destinies of women in Afghanistan and the women of the world are interconnected and that there is an attack on women's rights all over the world. One participant, who said that she studied at high school in Afghanistan secretly at home and her school was burned by the Taliban, said that women are not taken to universities in Afghanistan at the moment, that the woman announcer was turned away from the door of the state television, and that they could not hear from many women. Another participant stated that the Taliban threatened as ‘’Foreign forces will go in 20 days, then you will see’’. She stated that the Taliban is currently pursuing a policy of delaying the world and appearing ‘moderate’, but that the people of Afghanistan will resist the Taliban administration in the face of human rights violations that may occur in a very short time.
‘Before the streets turn into a bloodbath…’
At the meeting, it was underlined that the US-led NATO occupation, which lasted for twenty years, did not bring peace and democracy to the peoples of Afghanistan. At the meeting, it was emphasized that the USA and its allies, who created and supported the Taliban throughout the 1980s, ignored the inhuman and misogynistic oppression of the Taliban in the 1990s, continue to make the people of Afghanistan pay for their imperialist projects. Emphasizing that the Taliban administration poses a serious threat to the people of Afghanistan, especially women and children, as in the past, women called on women from all countries to put pressure on their governments and to take action before the streets turn into bloodbath.
‘Disarmament and peace’
Drawing attention to the responsibility of countries that supply weapons to criminal organizations such as the Taliban, the women said, ‘’We want disarmament and peace.’’ Pointing out that the imperial powers have turned the world into hell for their own interests, the women stated that it is necessary to demand ‘’change more organized and louder.’’ Participants drew attention to the importance of secularism for women and societies to live freely and in peace.
Meetings will continue
After the meeting, Women’s Platform for Equality announced that the ‘’Global Solidarity Meetings with Afghan Women’’ held with the participation of women activists and women’s organizations from many countries will continue and work on creating a women’s network will begin.