‘Justice Vigil’ on its 168th day: Black mark for justice of Turkey

  • 16:00 23 August 2021
  • News
URFA - Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar’s ‘’Justice Vigil’’ has been going on in front of the courthouse for 168 days. The family stated: ‘’Every day we stay here is a black mark for the justice of Turkey.’’ They said that they will go to Ankara in the coming days.
The vigil launched by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack, and her son Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack with injuries, continues on the 168th day in front of the Urfa Courthouse, demanding justice. Emine and Ferit, who arrived in front of the courthouse early in the morning, started the Justice Vigil in the area called ‘’Şenyaşar family justice corner’’.
‘Every day we stay here is a black mark’
Ferit Şenyaşar, emphasizing that the Justice Vigil is on its 168th day, said: ‘’All conscientious people from Edirne to Kars have seen our deserving cause. Those who could came here and gave support, while those who could not, tried to reach us via phone and social media and stated that they are with us at the deserving cause. There is a Minister of Justice in Turkey’s capital and sees this unlawfulness in front of the Urfa Courthouse, he is impossible not to see it. Every day we stay here is a black mark for justice of Turkey. We want the Minister of Justice to remove this injustice as soon as possible. In the next period, we will go to Ankara, we will go to the Ministry of Justice again. End this cruelty, this lawlessness. My mother is over 65 and should be resting at home, waiting here under persecution. We do not accept this lawlessness.’’
He called out to Chief Public Prosecutor
While continuing his speech, Ferit pointed to the vehicle of the Chief Public Prosecutor, who entered the courthouse, and said: ‘’Even though the Chief Public Prosecutor sees this unlawfulness in front of the courthouse, he passes in front of us every day like this. If Turkey is a state of law, there are three people killed in the hospital and there is still no one under arrest. This is unacceptable. We do not want to live under this persecution. Those who murdered three people are free.’’
‘We will defeat the dark era together’
The family then shared the following message on the digital media platform: ‘’Our struggle for justice continues on the 168th day against those who hide behind the president and use violence, all kinds of unlawfulness and judiciary as instruments. We swear that we will defeat this dark era together. Justice for All.’’