‘Yazidis’ declaration of autonomy disturbed rulerships’

  • 11:01 19 August 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activist Hatice Şen, who criticizes the silence of the world in the face of the successive air attacks against Shengal, pointed out that the Yazidis creating their own system and declaring their autonomy disturbed the rulerships.
Two days ago, two people were killed and three people were injured in the air attack by Turkish warplanes on the area of the Old Bazaar in the center of Shengal. Yesterday, at around 13:15pm, a hospital in the village of Sikêniyê in Shengal was targeted and bombed. Civilians who went for help to the area where the hospital is located were also targeted and attacked twice.
While the world’s silence against the attacks from many different segments, especially women, was criticized, the United Nations (UN) was also called on.
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activist Hatice Şen pointed out that those who remained silent about the attacks against Shengal were partners in this.
‘The authorities cannot accept the struggle of the Yazidis’
Stating that the Yazidis are an ancient people, Hatice said: ‘’The Yazidis practice their faith in the path of truth. Despite all the attacks, they preserved their traditions and culture. In the 21st century, where traditions and customs should be preserved, there is an attempt to make massacres. Since then, 73 edicts have been issued against Yazidis. This shows that Yazidi women have been subjected to genocide 74 times. Both the Yazidi people and their women are now fighting and defending themselves. They declared their autonomy and system themselves. They make their own decisions about their rights.’’
‘Shengal is wanted to be emptied’
Pointing out that Yazidis defended themselves for the first time in the massacre carried out by ISIS in Shengal, Hatice reminded that this situation had the attention of the world. Hatice drew attention to those who are uncomfortable that the Yazidi people establishing their own system and said: ‘’Therefore, it is desired to continue the massacre perpetrated by the ISIS mentality. Their aim is to emptied and taken out Yazidi people from Shengal and to create a gap in Başûr. This situation means that a genocide is wanted to be carried out not only in Shengal, but also in four parts of Kurdistan in the person of Shengal.’’
‘The mission of Kurdish women is very big’
Noting that the attacks on Shengal and the latest situation in Afghanistan are the product of the same mentality, Hatice said that Afghan women are fighting in the streets like the women in Shengal and Rojava. Hatice underlined that the struggle of women in Afghanistan is a very important step and women do not accept surrender. Hatice said: ‘’Women’s role and mission in Rojava and Shengal is very important in women's struggle on the streets. There has been a struggle in Bakûr for years, and the struggle of women in particular has been an exemplary situation all over the world. All forces should not remain silent about this massacre in Shengal. It should recognize and embrace the Shengal.’’
Stating that the situation in Afghanistan and the targeting of the Kurds, and the attacks on Shengal were not a coincidence, Hatice said that the silence of the international forces against all these attacks was not a coincidence either.
‘Three Kurdish women politicians should be released’
Hatice, who called for the protection of Shengal, gave the following words: ‘’Unless we embrace to each other, unless we are united, the Kurds will continue to be massacred and subjected to genocide. In addition, there has been no news from the three Kurdish women politicians who have been detained by the KDP’s Public Order for 15 days. Başûr needs to review its approach and attitudes towards women. They should be released as soon as possible.’’