Call from Tara Hisên for Shengal

  • 15:53 17 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Addressing the citizens in the Federal Kurdistan Region, Kurdistan Association Freedom Movement Vice Co-chair Tara Hisên made a call for Shengal to be embraced.
Kurdistan Association Freedom Movement Vice Co-chair Tara Hisên made a statement on the attacks against Shengal via her digital media account. In her statement, Tara criticized the silence against the attacks on Shengal.
Tara continued her statement as follows: ‘’Yesterday, the Turkish state’s drones bombed the middle of the bazaar in Shengal and carried out a massacre. I ask those who do not see near and are concerned about Afghanistan, which is far away; Watch to see if Shengal or Kabul is closer. Is Shengal close or Kabul for the scenarios to be repeated in Hewler and Sulaymaniyah? Why don’t you take a stand? If the situation in Kabul was close to Pêncewin, Kelar or Duhok, our people would not comment so much.’’
Addressing all segments of society, Tara asked them to stand in the face of the attacks against Shengal and to take to the fields.