Number of people who lost their lives in flood in Black Sea rise to 40

  • 12:37 14 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - As a result of the excessive precipitation in the Western Black Sea region, the number of people who lost their lives in the floods and floodings in Bartın, Kastamonu and Sinop rose to 40.
A new statement came from Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) about the floods and floodings that occurred in Bartın, Kastamonu and Sinop as a result of the excessive precipitation in the Western Black Sea region. The death toll rose to 40, according to the statement.
The statement said: ‘’Due to the flood, 34 of our citizens in Kastamonu and six of our citizens in Sinop lost their lives. Nine of our citizens are being treated in hospitals. The search continues for one of our citizen who went missing in Bartın.’’