6 citizens lost their lives in flood in Western Black Sea region

  • 12:31 12 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - It was stated that six people lost their lives in the flood, which occurred as a result of excessive precipitation and inadequate infrastructure of the city, which affected the Western Black Sea cities.
The flood, which occurred as a result of the downpour that was effective yesterday in the western Black Sea cities of Kastamonu, Bartın and Sinop, created almost destruction. Many citizens were lost in the flood that occurred in Azdavay, İnebolu, Bozkurt, Küre and Pınarbaşı districts of Kastamonu, Ulus district of Bartın and Ayancık districts of Sinop. Teams from the surrounding provinces also came for the search and rescue works started in the cities where heavy material damage occurred.
While many bridges were destroyed in three cities, many of them were damaged. According to the statement made by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), there are power cuts in hundreds of villages.
AFAD, in a written statement about the events in the disaster area, stated that hundreds of people were evacuated from the regions, and noted that six people lost their lives in Kastamonu and the search for one missing person in Bartın continues.