People of İkizköy: We will not leave Akbelen

  • 17:20 9 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The villagers, who continue their vigil against the slaughtering of trees in Akbelen, are wanted to be taken out from the region on the grounds of the ‘’ban on entry to the forests’’.
The vigil of the people of the region continues against the Lignite Mine that is planned to be established in the Akbelen Forest of the Milas district of Muğla. The gendarmerie, who came to the region, cited the governor's decision to ‘’ban on entry to the forests’’. Gendarmerie wanted the vigil to end and the villagers to leave the area.
The people of İkizköy, on the other hand, emphasized that they would not leave the area and demanded that the decision be issued to them in writing.
The villagers stated that the area where the vigil continued is private land and that they stayed on the land with the consent of the person, stressing that the ban decision did not cover them.