HDK Muğla Women’s Council: We will pull down racism

  • 14:27 7 August 2021
  • News
MUĞLA - HDK Muğla Women’s Council said in a statement against the racist attacks that increased with the forest fires: "We are determined to defeat the fire that destroys life and to pull down the racism that will turn us against each other."
Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK) Muğla Women's Council published a written statement regarding the forest fires and the accompanying racist attacks. In the statement, it was stated that racist provocations were activated together with forest fires.
‘We are now physically on fire’
Emphasizing that there is a climate crisis in the world, the statement said: ‘’Turkey is shocked by forest fires, floods and drought. Our souls, our living spaces are on fire. For years, this country was already on fire, from economy to politics, from social life to education and health policies. Now we are physically on fire. We all live in the hell created by the capitalist, profiteer, plunderer, male-dominated, patriarchal system. It is the mentality of management that corrupts in Turkey and the world, takes people's perception and questioning abilities hostage, sets the country on fire, and does not take responsibility for anything at the end of the day.’’
‘The racist mind is waiting for an opportunity’
Noting that racist attacks have increased with forest fires, the HDK statement said: ‘’While the fire scorches everywhere, racism is also active, and it may continue to burn our lives more dangerously than fire for the future. Today, they are trying to activate similar provocations with forest fires. The racist mind is waiting for an opportunity. Today those who intercept and question their suspicions, go further and attempt lynching. We experienced this a few days ago in Meram, with the massacre of an entire Kurdish family.’’
The statement, which was said ‘’We will not allow racist attacks’’, ended with the following statements: ‘’As women living in Muğla, we will not allow this mindset to continue and cause new massacres. We are determined to defeat the fire that destroys life, to pull down the racism that will set us against each other. Let's be the only voice of women's organizations in Muğla for our rights and our lives against attacks on animals, nature, women and our living spaces.’’