Reaction from neighborhood where flood takes place: ‘Authorities looked afar and went’

  • 10:37 4 August 2021
  • News
HAKKARİ - The women, whose houses were damaged due to the flood in Yüksekova's Akalın Neighborhood, said that there was no substructure in the neighborhood and puddles were formed every time it rained. The women drew attention to the fact that the governor, district governor and other media were looked from afar and went.
The downpour that continued for almost a week in Van also showed its effect in Hakkari province. The flood, which occurred due to downpour in Yüksekova district of the city yesterday, caused damage to houses, shops and many other workplaces in Akalın (Xalane) Neighborhood, Yeni Köprü location, the bazaar center and other neighborhoods, while causing potholes on the roads.
Many of the citizens living in Akalın Neighborhood, one of the neighborhoods where the flood was effective, tried to take the belongings in their homes.
‘We spent the night at our neighbor’s house’
One of the residents of the neighborhood, Xemê Vardar, said that all of the belongings in their house were covered in mud. Xemê said: ‘’In this case, I can neither wash the house nor dry the house. We have no choice. Our financial situation is not good, I have a student. I have a son, he works too, what can he do with his salary? We could not stay at home after the flood. We spent the night at our neighbor’s house. All the white goods in our house were burned. There is no refrigerator or machines in the house. Everything was covered in mud.’’
‘Water is constantly collecting in front of our house’
Xemê said that after the flood disaster, the city governor, district governor and other media people came, looked from afar and went again. Xemê said: ‘’Water collects in front of our house all the time, no one comes and says let's do this road so that it does not happen like this. This has been happening to us for three-four years. All those responsible for the flood are the authorities. If they had opened a road, if there was an substructure, the water would have gone, it would not have been like this.’’
‘We have been living in this disgrace for five years’
Menice Kireman, one of the residents of the neighborhood, said: ‘’After the flood, I had to send my children to my brother's house. I am somewhere, my children are somewhere. We want the infrastructure to be built so they can find a solution. We have been living in this disgrace for five years, they do not make the sanitary sewerage, they do not find any solution. My garden was all destroyed, there was nothing left. If the district governor had built the infrastructure, would we be like this? I have not seen it done, our situation is the same in winter. We want the state to find a solution to this. If the flood had been at night, none of us would have survived.’’