Call from TJA for ‘International Day of Action Against Feminicide and Genocide’

  • 15:47 3 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - TJA called for the date of the massacre against Ezidis to be declared as ‘’International Day of Action Against Feminicide and Genocide’’ on August 3.
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) made a statement regarding the anniversary of the massacre carried out by ISIS on August 3, 2014, in Shengal. In the statement, which stated that there was a massacre of women before the eyes of the whole world, it was said that Ezidi women, who were subjected to systematic sexual torture, were enslaved as ‘war spoils’ and were ‘sold’ to men in established slave bazaars.
The following statements were included in the continuation of the statement, which said: ‘’We salute the resistance and struggle of Ezidi women, who stretched out their hands to the sun against the darkness of death.’’
‘’On August 3, 2014, seven years have passed since the massacre against the Kurdish Ezidi people in Shengal by barbarian ISIS gangs. In this genocide, which went down as the 73rd Edict in the massacre-filled history of the ancient Ezidi people, 5000 people, including women, children and the elderly, were massacred and hundreds of thousands of people were forcibly displaced from their homes. In this massacre, which took place in front of the eyes of the whole world, there was almost a feminicide. Ezidi women, who were subjected to systematic sexual torture, were enslaved as ‘spoils of war’ and ‘sold’ to men in established slave bazaars.
Ezidi women set an example with their struggle
Ezidi women, who organized the women’s will with the women’s councils they established in Shengal, became a hope for the peoples of the world, especially the oppressed women. Those who wanted to break this hope also wanted to take the will of Kurdish women who wrote the women's history of resistance and struggle in the Middle East. They murdered Hevrîn Xelef, Zehra Berkel, Hebûn Mela Xelil, Emine Weysi and many other revolutionary women whom we cannot name one by one. 
As it is known, at the International Ezidi Women's Conference held in Germany on March 11-12, 2017, it was emphasized that an effective international struggle should be launched in order to liberate Ezidi women captured by ISIS gangs as soon as possible. It was decided to be considered as the 'International Day of Action Against Feminicide and Genocide’. Again, it was previously recognized as the ‘’Ezidi Genocide’’ by the European Parliament, and international organizations included the massacre within the scope of ‘’Crimes against Humanity’’ in their reports; but despite this, the government in Turkey, let alone recognize genocide, has not even condemned the massacre in Shengal to this date.
We salute the resistance and struggle of Ezidi women
We would like to emphasize once again with a loud voice. We reiterate our call for the declaration of August 3 to be the ‘International Day of Action Against Feminicide and Genocide’ and salute the resistance and struggle of Ezidi women who raise their hands to the sun against the darkness of death.
 You can do anything, but you can never kill the sun, because the woman is JÎN in Shengal.’’