Lawyers not allowed to get near Kurdish family’s house

  • 12:19 31 July 2021
  • News

KONYA - Lawyers who went to Konya were not brought closer to the crime scene and could not access information about the file.

The blockade in front of the houses of seven people who were killed in the attack on the Dedeoğulları family in the Meram district of Konya continues. Lawyers from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Law Commission and the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) went to the scene and asked for information about the investigation.

Barrier to lawyers

Lawyers stated that they were not given autopsy reports and were not brought near the crime scene. Lawyers also stated that detailed information about the file was not provided.

There are 20 bullet entries

The lawyers stated that in the autopsy report, which they were allowed to look at cursory, they found 20 bullet entries in seven people. The lawyers shared the information that the majority of the bullet entries were at close range from the head and neck.