Justice watch from Diyarbakır Bar Association for 7 murdered people

  • 10:52 31 July 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Diyarbakır Bar Association launched a "justice watch" last night to protest the massacre in Konya.
Seven people were killed in the racist attack against the Dedeoğulları family, a Kurdish family from Kars, in the Hasanköy Neighborhood of Konya's Meram district yesterday. Thereupon, last night, Diyarbakır Bar Association launched a "justice watch" in front of Tahir Elçi Conference Hall in order to protest. Candles were lighted for seven people who were killed in the racist attack during the vigil attended by Diyarbakır Bar Association Chairperson Nahit Eren, members of the Kurdish Language Commission of the bar association and members of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD).
‘We started a watch for the seven murdered people’
Expressing that they decided to hold a ‘’justice watch’’ within the Diyarbakır Bar Association Kurdish Language Commission group regarding the events, Language Commission Co-Chair Elif Birikili stated that they had to show an activism and then they started a watch. Noting that it was a decision taken by the members of the commission, Elif said: ‘’We lighted seven candles symbolically for the murdered family in Konya. Later, it was heard from social media accounts. Our lawyer friends also supported. For now, our watch continues. We aim to continue until 19:00pm in the evening. At 19.00, we will make a statement about why we started the watch and finish it.’’