'We can prevent racist attacks with national unity’

  • 10:22 29 July 2021
  • News
Gülistan Azak
DİYARBAKIR - Pointing out that while racist attacks increase in Turkey, the hate language of the government and the ignorance of the judiciary pave the way for attacks, the women emphasized that the attacks in Turkey and the Federated Kurdistan Region can only be prevented with national unity.
While racist attacks against the Kurdish people increased in Turkish cities, after Deniz Poyraz was murdered in İzmir, attacks took place one after another. Most recently, an armed attack was carried out against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Manisa Provincial Organization building. While there was no loss of life in the attack, the attacks continued in Konya, Ankara and Afyon, one person died and dozens were injured.
On the other hand, Turkey's attack and pressure continues in the Federated Kurdistan Region with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). While it is evaluated by the public that the Turkish government's hate and marginalizing language against Kurds is the basis of the attacks in both regions, it is pointed out that the attacks are not political and independent from each other. Especially Kurdish political parties and the Kurdish people point out that these attacks can only be prevented if "national unity" is achieved in all areas.
The women called for national unity against the attacks against the Kurds.
‘It is the result of the isolation imposed on Imrali and society’
HDP Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun stated that the lack of national unity paved the way for the attacks. Remziye said: ‘’Attacks against Kurds continue to increase. We see that these attacks are carried out without hesitation. Because the Kurds want to be completely destroyed. The murder of Deniz Poyraz and the attacks against Kurdish workers in Konya are not independent of each other. Unfortunately, the aggressive style of politicians towards Kurds is also reflected on the streets. Kurds want to be made open to attacks. What happened is a result of the isolation policies imposed on Imrali and the society in general. Look, the Kurds have been on hunger strike in prisons for months against all these injustices. We must shield national unity from all imposed attacks.’’
‘Attacks end only with national unity’
Şilan Elmas Kan, Co-chair of the Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER), reminded the historical background of the policies of attack against the Kurds and said: ‘’Kurds will continue to be open to attacks unless they protect their language that reveals their historical existence, and unless they form an alliance. Undoubtedly, the biggest factor behind the Kurds’ being attacked, massacred and having no status from the past to the present is the failure to establish unity. For this reason, it is clear that the attacks will only end with national unity. Kurdish national unity is a necessity. Women should take the lead in ensuring national unity.’’
‘Kurds can respond strongly to attacks’
Noting that the lands, languages and cultures of the Kurds were ignored by the colonial states, Kurdish teacher Remziye Öncel noted that the existence and unity problem of the Kurds has been going on for centuries. Pointing out that this problem is the biggest reason for attacks and massacres against Kurds, Remziye said: ‘’Unity is the only way out against the attacks. The Kurds cannot even live in their lands without overcoming the existence problem. In order to overcome the existence problem, national unity must be ensured. Only then will the Kurds not be attacked and massacred. National unity is an issue that must be realized without losing a second for the Kurdish people. "Kurds can respond strongly to these racist attacks by combining their political and social forces and providing their national unity with democratic means and methods.’’