‘Target is women’s council for every city’

  • 12:06 24 July 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Yasemin Üçer, who gave information about HDP Amed Women's Council, which announced its establishment, said: ‘’By strengthening our organization, we will carry out a more effective struggle against the attacks imposed on women in particular and on society in general. Our goal will be a women's council for every city.’’
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Amed Provincial Women's Council announced its establishment on July 15 with the slogan ‘’We are organizing for our freedom, we are walking towards freedom with the spirit of the Denizs.’’ We talked to HDP Amed Provincial Women's Council member Yasemin Üçer about the reason, purpose and program of its establishment.
‘It will be overcome with organized struggle’
Giving the information that women's councils will be established in all cities, Yasemin noted that the deepening and increasing systematic violence against women led to the need to establish a council. Yasemin said: ‘’We foresee that the central government's policies against women, youth and society can be overcome with a much more organized struggle. We know that the only solution to many attacks against our party, from closure operations, detentions, arrests, increased massacres of women, to the abolition of the Istanbul Convention, is organized struggle. Since HDP is also a women's party, it actually showed that there was an active women's council that already existed. But as I mentioned, at the point reached, much more of this will be a more original, stronger and more organized women's structure.’’
‘We will be on the field’
Stating that the decision to declare the council was taken after the murder of Deniz Poyraz, a party employee in İzmir, Yasemin said that they would take the field on the basis of raising awareness and organizing women. Yasemin noted that there are attacks against women in all areas of life and that they were in the field all year. Mentioning that they shouted their rebellion and demands throughout the year, Yasemin said: ‘’We will gather all women under the same roof with the council we have established. By strengthening our organization, we will carry out a more effective struggle against the attacks imposed on women in particular and on society in general.’’
‘We will surely succeed’
Stating that the only way against male and state violence is through women's self-defense and taking part in an organized struggle, Yasemin made the following statements: ‘’As long as women are together, we can build a democratic equal life anywhere in the world. This will only be possible with an alternative effort and a solidarity that is increased and strengthened every day. We should love each other more and strengthen our organization in every field every day. I think we are living the times when we are closest to our claim to free equal life. In particular, women and youth are leading the way. We will surely succeed.’’