Invitation to ‘Dem dema azadiyê ye’ feast: Let’s say ‘no’ to war together

  • 11:49 16 July 2021
  • News
ŞIRNAK - Leyla Aykal, a member of the Organizing Committee, who called for participation in the feast to be held tomorrow under the leading of MEBYA-DER and Med TUHAD-FED, said: ‘’Let's all together say no to war.’’
A feast will be held tomorrow in the Newroz Park in Silopi district of Şırnak with the slogan ‘’Dem Dema Azadiyê ye (Now is the Time for Freedom)’’, under the leading of the Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Families Who Have Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER) and the Federation of Legal and Solidarity Associations for Families of Prisoners and Convicts (MED TUHAD-FED).
The feast will take place between 19.00 and 23.00 with the participation of Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak MPs Nuran İmir and Hüseyin Kaçmaz. At the same time, artists Merve Admiş, Azad Bedran and Koma Awazên Botan will take the stage.
Organizing Committee member Leyla Aykal called on the people of Botan to participate in the feast.
Stating that national unity must be ensured for peace and freedom, Leyla said, “We are going through a period of war and conflicts. For the war to end, national unity must be achieved. Because of this, we will hold this feast to ensure national unity. As you know, the aggravated isolation on Mr. Öcalan, the hunger strike that started in prisons, and attacks against women and children are on the agenda. We need to provide national unity in order to respond to these and to lift the isolation. On the other hand, this war process had a serious impact on our people. Because of this, we will hold our feast tomorrow with the slogan ‘Dem Dema Azadiyê ye.’
‘Together we will show that war is not the solution’
Expressing that they will raise their voices to ensure national unity with the people at the feast to be held, Leyla said, “We no longer want war, but peace, freedom and unity. Because of this, we will be in the field and raise our voice. We will emphasize the importance of unity and togetherness. We want peace, not war. We will show together that war is not the solution. We will emphasize that the people want peace, ”she said.
Call to public
Inviting all the people of Botan to the feast that will take place, Leyla called, ‘’Let’s say ‘no to war’ together.’’