Remziye Tosun: Hunger strikes will defeat torture and cruelty in spirit of July 14

  • 12:58 14 July 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Noting that the July 14 resistance still continues in prisons today, HDP MP Remziye Tosun said: ‘’Hunger strikes in prisons will defeat torture and cruelty with the spirit of July 14.’’
Prisoners in Diyarbakır Prison No. 5, where the worst of the tortures imposed during the September 12 coup d'état in Turkey were experienced, made their voices known to the world with their resistance. The bodies of Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Kemal Pir, Ali Çiçek and Akif Yılmaz, who were among the pioneer cadres of the PKK, who opposed torture and rights violations, left an unforgettable note in history.
July 14, 1982… It is the anniversary of the historical resistance against the pressure, violence and torture practices of the military junta headed by Kenan Evren, aimed to purge the Kurdish freedom struggle started after the coup on September 12, 1980.
Today, this resistance continues in prisons. Political prisoners are on the 230th day of their hunger strike, which they started on November 27, 2020, demanding the end of the aggravated isolation on Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan and an end to the increasing violations of rights in prisons. The action continues with the support of many people in many centers of the world. Today, on the anniversary of the July 14 resistance, the prisoners are taking the action, which they carried out for five days indefinite-alternately, to a new stage, again indefinitely with alternating 15 days.
HDP Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun evaluated the July 14 resistance and the hunger strikes in prisons.
Remziye, who stated that the Kurdish people made a historical resistance against the oppression imposed throughout history, said: ‘’Experiences on July 14 and after is still in the memory of the Kurdish people. Against all inhuman torture and practices in the military prison Diyarbakır, where the fascist mentality peaked with the 80's coup, Mazlum Doğan showed that he would not surrender by turning his body into fire with three matchsticks at the 1982 Newroz. I respectfully commemorate my comrades who sacrificed their lives in the person of Mazlum Doğan and lost their lives in the hunger strikes. Their resistance illuminates our path.’’
‘Esat mentality is still alive’
Remziye reminded of the tortures of Senior Grade Esat Oktay, who was responsible for the tortures in Diyarbakır, and noted that the Esat mentality is kept alive in prisons. Remziye, who stated that the oppression has continued to increase since the September 12 coup, emphasized that the resistance against the oppression continues, getting stronger day by day. Remziye said: ‘’The Kurdish people have been responding with resistance against massacre, oppression, persecution and assimilation since the history of the republic. Hunger strikes have been a method of resistance both in the 1980s and today. Right now, thousands of our comrades in prisons are laying their bodies on hunger to end the isolation and end the lawlessness in prisons. Hunger strikes will defeat torture and oppression in the spirit of July 14.’’
‘Solution is possible against those who impose the insolubility’
Remziye pointed out that the root cause of problems such as lawlessness, corruption and poverty in the region is the monist, domineering and masculine mentality and said: ‘’This is also a mentality that imposes a solutionlessness. But the Kurdish people have been fighting against this mentality for years, fighting a freedom struggle. We say 'solution is possible' against those who impose the insolubility. We do not accept the imposition of isolation on all Kurdish people and the peoples of Turkey, in the person of Mr. Öcalan, as unlawfulness and a solutionlessness. Mr. Öcalan said 'I will solve this problem in a week'. Therefore, Mr. Öcalan needs to be addressed, not only the isolation is lifted, but Mr. Öcalan's physical freedom must be achieved. All peoples have the right to live freely and in peace on these lands. We have full faith that we will bring honorable peace to these lands.’’
Finally, Remziye emphasized that the solution depends on solidarity and called on everyone to increase the struggle.